“I ordered two porcelains in my mixed flock of bantams. These two were personality plus and the most outgoing from the start. They are confident little birds and get along well with others. They are very good flyers and can fly over 6' so have a netted run for protection and safety. These girls, Cheerio and Sugar, were the first to do everything....try a blueberry, sit on my shoulder, take a dust bath in their food bowl and get on a roost. Cheerio loves to pick up and toss a mini cob of corn and usually ends up wearing corn juice splatter all over her chest. They began laying at 6 months. Their feathers are lovely pearl colors of tan, ivory and a soft dove gray. They have bright red combs. I would definitely have this breed as part of my flock again. I adore the d'uccles and am so glad that I chose them. I had never had a porcelain and they are beautiful. I am so happy with the customer service and the care in which the chicks were packed. I didn't notice any gel food pack included in the packing and wondered why. With delivery, there was a bit of confusion with my post office and the chicks were sent to a neighboring post office rather than my local one. A driver had to go to that post office 30 miles away at 4 p.m., retrieve the chicks and started enroute to my home while I was enroute to the local post office as my usps tracking said they had arrived. It turned out in the end okay because I hurried home, but unsure why the confusion. I think it was the post office's error however, and I will clarify delivery should I order again.”
“My porcelain D'Uccle chicky I have named Waffles is SO funny! She has the best personality out of any chicken I've owned so far. She doesn't mind being held, and she doesn't seem to think she's a bantam! She will stand up to any of the chickens! What a great breed!”
“I received my chicks 2 weeks ago including a porcelain D'uccle I have named Seraphim and she is turning out wonderful. She has beautiful peachy shoulders and lavender wings, and her leg fluff is on the next level. She has a gentle but energetic personality and is the most vocal of my chicks and does not mind being picked up at all and will easily fall asleep in my hand. She stands up against anyone that tries to mess with her and I won't be surprised if she ends up ranking high in the pecking order. She has definitely made me love the D'uccle breed”
“Very pleased with this company, their customer service is the best. Very nice people, & fast service too. I've already placed another order with them this season. & will buy more in the future. Great company❣Ô∏è❤”
“We hatched eggs from My Pet Chicken last December and in the group was a Porcelain d'uccle and two Mille Fleur d'uccles. Doobie, my porcelain made me the "happiess" when we hatched eggs from her and Buster and we now have 2 more porcelain d'uccles. I can't wait till we introduce them to their chickie mommies. Thank you My Pet Chicken for the great selection of eggs you sent last year.”
“It broke my heart. I lost 3 d' uccles. But i'm giving 5 stars because this vompany went above and beyond for me. Their customer service is the best i've ever seen anywhere!!!”