“Great egg layers, and they made it through the winter exceptionally well. A bit on the high strung side, but for all the eggs they lay, that's fine. Very reliable, easy to maintain, on the small side, and lay a lot relative to the amount of food they eat. We'll always have these in our flock from now on.”
“Koobish, our Rhode Island Red died, she was sweet and a good layer and I was going to teach her how to play the keyboard, but she died before she could see it happen. She was a pretty chesnut color and had a quiet disposition, she also like climbing on things, but her kindness came back like a boomerang.”
“I got 4 hens and a rooster, the rooster recently reached maturity and he is still so well behaved. His crow is a joke, but he‚Äôs fine with me grabbing and poking at him. I have one hen that is just a headache, not in a bad way. She‚Äôs really loud and screams every time I go near her but I still adore her. I have another hen that‚Äôs still small, she keeps up really well with my leghorns and every time I pick her up she passes out. I love all of my birds, can‚Äôt wait for them to lay eggs.”
“Our Hazel is one of our Friendliness chickens! Super talkative and tolerates being picked up and handled by youngsters. I don‚Äôt understand why people give them a bad reputation, our Hazel would win even the toughest heart over in a beat! I won‚Äôt go without saying that If you are thinking about getting one...make sure you have the space and don‚Äôt have many competitive chickens, as they prefer to be head hen! We have a big 18x12‚Äô run, so we have never had aggression issues. I also wouldn‚Äôt recommend getting a Roo, I‚Äôve seen in person what they can do. (My younger cousin has a huge scar on his face from one.) every chicken is different, though. Just some food for thought! Great chickens if you make sure you have the space and docile Hens to make it work!”