“We have a small mixed flock of 5 different breeds. Our two Rhode Island‚Äôs have always been extremely friendly - they let us pet them and hold them. They don‚Äôt love to be held, but tolerate it. They were the first to lay eggs at 5.5 months and are very reliable at 6-7 eggs a week!!! They are second in line of the pecking order behind our barred rocks and I am happy they are in our flock. I want to try other breeds before I repurchase these, but I will probably always have a few Rhode Island‚Äôs in my flock because they are a nice, easy, productive addition.”
“It's so rare for one of our RIR hens to go broody my wife and I were tickled pink this spring when one did. She was a great mama-to-be sitting diligently day after day on her 4 eggs. Unfortunately only two hatched and both died from a rectal problem within 4 days. We felt so badly for Mama we searched for a place to get day-old chicks and found your site and were grateful we didn't have to buy 25 chicks. The chicks arrived quickly and after spending a couple hours introducing them to Mama she accepted them as her own and has been doing a great job raising them. One died the day after receiving them but I'm not concerned. Thank you My Pet Chicken!”