“All five of our chickens got stressed when the heat wave came through. They were foaming at the eyes and had gargley breathing. We ended up giving to antibx but the other three did just great with the VetRx!! I give it four stars, because I just could not get it to mix with the water, no matter how hot we got everything.
It worked fantastic as a drop down the throat and as drops behind their wings. Love this stuff so so much!!!!! I will purchase again when it runs outs. Fast shipping (even with covid Times).”
“Our Orpington Terra (my favorite) was weezing with her mouth open and shaking her head almost trying to cough or sneeze. It was a concerning noise and she was having trouble breathing. I put her in a carrier in the car and cranked the ac. She seemed to stop weezing and sat down for a nap but was still making a concerning sound. It is mid-summer but they made it through a 100 degree heat wave without a problem. We have two industrial fans, and give them ice water twice a day and water melon / frozen treats. I thought it might be an impacted crop but it turned out to be a respiratory infection. We put several drops of VetRX in their coop where they roost (we use sand as bedding which I highly recommend) and in their kiddie pool sand bath and a separate water drinker. We also sprinkled some around the run. The next morning she was making minimal noise and by the end of the day she was fine! Back to her old peppy self. We continued to sprinkle some for the next few days and she is 100%. I am so grateful that this exists!”