“Currently using this product. It is comforting to know the electrical connections are protected from the weather elements, chickens, dogs and small grandchildren.”
“This is great for bringing power out to the coop - the sweeter heater in the winter and the fan (20inch $40 from lowes) in the summer. We dont have to worry about the power cutting out when we need it the most! Wish we knew of this sooner, we use them everywhere now. Sturdy and does the job.”
“I love the idea of this for where I have cords attaching outside in the elements. However, the two pieces don‚Äôt snap together well - or stay snapped together. I still use them b/c I think it is better than nothing, but if they were in an area my animals could access, I would give it one star and probably need to secure the pieces together with duct tape on the outside. (Not a very nice look.)”