“I got a few of these for my flock and fill them with mealworms. It took a little bit for the chickens to figure it out, but they quickly came to love these! And I love them because it makes meal worms last a little longer while also providing them some entertainment!”
“My chickens love this toy. It's easy to fill with treats and takes some effort to get everything out so entertains the chickens for a good while. Many treats can go in this toy.”
“My chickens love this treat ball! I like to add oatmeal and mealworms for them to snack on. It is a great boredom buster for when they are confined to the run.”
“Difficult to prevent spills while refilling. My chickens don't really care for it and are glad that the treats come through easily. I've used scratch, mealy worms, sunflower seeds with it.”