“The speckled sussex is one of the chicks that made it threw delivery, saddly 2 out of 8 of the chicks were to weak to survive,but little speckles is very sweet and doing great!!!!!”
“I originally ordered 2 Colombian Wyandottes but they were not available so mypetchicken.com substituted 2 speckled Sussex and I am so happy with these little gals! Healthy, growing, funny little chicks!”
“This breed is something else entirely. Friendly, goofy, and curious, almost to a fault. They do love their freedom. As teenagers they are into everything. They will fly over a 4 ft. fence in order to explore, so I have found wing clipping of BOTH wings is a must. Faithful layers even in the cold. I have 6 hens and one rooster of this particular breed and they have been an absolute delight. Rooster is mild mannered and behaves himself with people. Never mean, which has been a problem with other roosters we have owned. I highly recommend them.”
“We named ours Screech because she was quite the vocal little thing as a chick and a pullet. As soon as we named her she got quieter!
Screech is one of the friendliest hens we have. She likes to roughhouse and will definitely give you a piece of her mind. She comes up to us and lets us pet and pick her up. She'll hop onto our laps if we're sitting outside. She's a fun little bird! I have no clue which egg she lays, so I don't know how consistent she is, but she's not broody.
I would definitely buy this breed again!”
“We got 21 chickens at the end of Sept 2021. We got all different breeds so we can have a colorful egg basket. None of them have starting laying yet, but this chicken is one of our most friendly. She is the first to come running and the last to lose interest and leave. She doesn't mind being held, but doesn't ask to be held. The other two of our friendliest chickens are a salmon faverolles and barred rock. We bought like 6 easter eggers, and only one of those is friendly to people (but a bit bossy to the other chickens).”
“I saw a review of Cochins in which someone was amazed at her 6-yr-old hen. So I was inspired to tell about my special speckled Sussex.
Zamboni got her name from the flecks of "ice" on her red feathers. I clicker-trained her to jump through a hoop, ring a bell, climb steps, etc. She liked being held and petted.
One winter, when Zamboni was about 8, she disappeared. There was quite a bit of snow on the ground. The temperatures dipped into the single digits. About three weeks passed. To make the story short - I found her in the flower bed on a nest of 20 eggs. She was fine.
Zamboni lived to be 11, then disappeared. She sure was a great chicken!”
“Out of my order of 6 different breed chicks from April 2020, my Speckled Sussex is the lowest in the pecking order. She is zany and will follow us around trying to steal my kids‚Äô snacks (she‚Äôs their favorite). She‚Äôs a pretty chicken, but she lays teeny tiny cream colored eggs, most of the time right on the poop board. She is our worst layer, but her personality is fun!”
“I have fifteen hens representing 8 different breeds, two of whom are Speckled Sussex. Run I enter the run, Dotty is the very first chicken to come running up to me to greet me and allow me to stroke her. She'll eat out my hand and occasionally will be allowed to pick her up. I find the breed friendly and relatively bright.”