“The screws to the door are too short other than that, it‚Äôs a nice coop for my girls. I would give it 5 stars if the screws that go to the door fit properly. Now I‚Äôm trying to find the proper screws so my girls can have a door. Luckily, I have found a temporary solution.”
“Love how sturdy and easy to clean this is! I think I ‚Äòd prefer having a pull out litter tray, only because on a windy day opening the coop and lifting out the trays tends to blow coop poop everywhere including on me:( However, the ventilation and safety features are amazing.”
“It's February in New England and we've had some really cold weather. The coop has done very well as far as keeping my chickens snug. It vents well so I've had no issues with moisture in the coop or frost build up. There are three minor issues I have had to correct. 1. The roost bars are not super secure the way they sit in on top of the nest boxes. My hens have knocked them down a couple of times jumping up on them. I've had to secure them down with duct tape. 2. The way the coop door mounts onto the coop there are two good size holes at the bottom of the door one on each side underneath the coop. It would be possible for a weasel or a rat to get into the coop. I stuffed the holes with fabric to keep unwanted critters out. This spring I will probably look for a more permanent solution like spray foam insulation. 3. The side vents are easily opened. I had a gray squirrel try to get in that way and couldn't fit. He attempted to chew his way in and did some damage to the coop but nothing more than chew marks. My concern would be a weasel getting in that way as they can squeeze through openings as small as an inch. I currently have them closed and covered. I plan to cover them with hardware cloth this spring.
The coop is plenty roomy. I have 5 Wyandotte hens and a large rooster who fit comfortably with room to spare. Overall, I am very pleased with the coop and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a solid coop that is easy to clean and maintain. These are just things that I have noticed over time using the coop. It's a great product but could use a couple of small adjustments to make it more secure.”
“hey guys
I am wondering why my review is not there anymore! I spoke with hampel and they have admitted there is a flaw that easily allows predators to get in the coop and kill chickens
I would imagine that you would care for the safety of your readers chickens right? So I am surprised that my review is not there anymore
Its ok there are a million chicken blogsand actual chicken lovers that will want to hear this story…and the fact that my petchicken takes down reviews that would be beneficial to their customers
Im just trying to make sure that NO ONE ever has to go thru what we went thru because of a poorly designed coop
Its really a shame!”
“we put our 1st flock in the ultimate chicken coop about 2 months ago. 2 weeks later they were all dead killed by a possum in brooklyn. we made some reinforcements to the design, specifically the area where the run cover meets the coop and raised another flock of birds. these guys did not last a week. we have 9 dead chickens and a totally useless coop. stay far far away form this coop. it is very easy for predators to get in. ill be posting photos and more details soon. i want to make sure every single person who thinks about buying this coop knows of this serious design flaw. we are devastated and heartbroken. we have reached out to the company and have not heard anything back. its a shame. i would hope they would want to hear about our experience so they could improve the design and offer us a refund. its devastating to lose 2 whole flocks in such a short period of time and especially after all the hard work of raising them”
“The coop was shipped FedEx ground in a tractor trailer. I live on a road that trucks are not allowed on so I had to meet the truck at a location a couple of miles from where I live...not an issue, just an FYI. The coop went together easily. I only had issues with the two screws for the door. They we're too short. The coop is easy to open and clean. It closes up securely. The girls are still trying to figure out how to use the ramp. I'm happy with ithe coop so far but mildly concerned about how warm it will keep the girls this winter. We shall see. Overall, a nice coop and a good value.”
“I just want to take a minute and tell you how much I love my new coop! It is sooo easy to clean access food and water! I even bought more chicks because it has taken so much time off my cleaning and other coop chores! My brood took to immediately nesting and laying like crazy! I was so surprised how easy it was to put together! You have an amazing product and I‚Äôm just thrilled with it! Thank you!! You are a great company!”
“This coop was easy to put together in about an hour and a half with two people. The directions were easy to follow and understand.
I have added hardware cloth along the bottom of the run for extra predator protection. I also decided to keep a separate waterer in the run area vs. the one that came with the coop that is intended to be kept in the coop.
Some of my favorite features about this coop are: easy to access & clean, looks nice, covered run, additional roosting bars in the run.”