We have to agree - the little Blue Cuckoo Marans are just so gorgeous with wonderful personalities to go along with that beauty! We know you will not be disappointed with those beautiful medium-brown eggs once she reaches laying age. Please let us know if you ever have any questions or if you need some assistance with any flock care needs. My Pet Chicken is here for you!
“Absolutely beautiful chicks. They have super sweet personalities, including the rooster. He is very calm and asks for attention. Turning out to be beautiful adults.”
Thank you, Brenda, for sharing your great review of the Blue Cukcoo Marans! These little ones are known for their great personalities and are a great bird for any backyard flock!
“I had really big hopes for this breed, as I have kept Marans of various types over the years, and found them to be long lived, hardy birds, but the only Blue Cuckoo Marans chick in my order died within a week of arriving from what seemed like a case of failure to thrive. She simply didn't grow at all compared to her assorted companions despite addressing every possible issue. She was a fairly pricey chick, but refunds aren't issued outside of a brief window, so I'm just out of luck. Maybe I'll try another one in the future because they sure are pretty birds.”
We extend our sincere sympathy for the loss of your little one, especially after your diligent efforts to help her. My Pet Chicken values the lives of the baby birds we hatch and sell, and we make every effort to ensure their health and longevity for years to come. Although Mother Nature had different plans in this instance, we have reached out to you via email to explore a solution together.
We are so very happy to hear your little one is bringing you joy! Please let My Pet Chicken know anytime if you have any questions or concerns and of course, check out our great chick and flock supplies!
“Will the Light Brahmna's feathers turn white to match the picture I ordered from? Right now all but the 4 brown Welsummer chicks are black or dark grey and 2 of the Marans died the day I got them- too bad - I was really looking forward to them.”
Thank you Cindy for your review. Light Brahmas do change their coloring as they mature. We are very sorry for the losses on your order! We will reach out to you directly.
“I bought 2 of these marans in a mixed order and I've waited till they started laying to review them. They're beautiful, huge, friendly and lay gorgeous deep chocolate brown eggs. I wish I could add pictures since I almost didn't buy these because there weren't any egg pictures or adult pictures. I highly recommend this breed! My order was 2 female blue cuckoo marans, 2 female barred rocks (also just started laying and are wonderful girls), 3 female silked easter eggers (not laying yet) and 1 male silked Easter Egger. I had no surprise roosters and every chick thrived.”