“For the longest time Rainbow was not the alpha but would seemingly allow others to take charge. I witnessed her creating a burrow out of fallen grass. She comes to me to let me know to fill her food. She knows the difference between my dog and my neighbors dog and will sound the alarm when the neighbors dog is let out in the next yard. I swear if this chicken had hands it would learn to solve a Rubik‚Äôs cube.”
“I ordered my Blue Cuckoo Marans thinking she was a blue egg layer (my bad) but I now know she will lay darker brown eggs typical of the marans breed. She is only 3 months old and is my favorite of the mixed batch of 15 chicks I ordered this spring. All arrived safe and healthy and all appear to be female as I specified and paid extra for.
My Blue Cuckoo Marans does have light feathering on her shanks and feet and has muted light grey cuckoo feathers and is very beautiful. She has something funny going on with the feathers on top her head; one side sticks up like a dog's hackles and she seems to have a bit of a "lazy eye" on that side as well. She is very healthy and happy despite the odd look about her. Also, she is by far the largest bird in the flock even though they are all the same age. She is not a bully nor picked on, and is the first to come running to me when I let her outside. Very sweet disposition. Wish I had ordered a couple more just like her. I'll update when she begins laying eggs.”
“My Penelopeep has to be one the sweetest hens in my flock. She is stunning. I wish we could post pictures on here. My pet chicken is amazing received my 6 chicks all healthy and happy. Can't wait for my next shipment in April. Thank you my pet chicken.”
“Autumn is so sweet and docile. She is so beautiful, and gets along with the other girls wonderfully. Definitely recommend the Blue Cuckoo Maran breed. Also, she is great with kids.”
“I can't say enough good things about our Blue Cuckoo Maran! Olivia Newton John is the best chicken in our flock and is outgoing and friendly- I even trained her to jump up and give high fives with her beak! She lays every single day (she has missed one day in the last 3 weeks) and her eggs are absolutely beautiful! Would definitely order again! I wasn't sure about ordering because there were no adult pictures, but I'm so glad I did! She is absolutely beautiful!”
“I ordered 8 chicks last fall from MPC, and on hatch day had to make a swap. MPC suggested this Blue Cuckoo Marans chicken and said their stock was some of the best. This chick did NOT disappoint. She arrived healthy and larger than ALL the other chicks. She feathered fastest by a long shot out of all the birds I ordered. She is calm and assertive, without being dominant or aggressive in the slightest.
She is STUNNINGLY gorgeous. Everyone who checks out my flock comments on her beauty.
To top it all off, this chicken started laying within 22 weeks (quick for most Marans) AND she lays the largest eggs of ANY of my flock, just a few weeks into starting up.”