“I ordered 2 of these this spring, but one didn't live a day after we received them. The surviving pullet, Cruella de Ville, has a big floofy crest with black "eyebrows" on the front of it. Her wings have white tips on almost all of the feathers and I'm hoping she molts and gets pure black wing feathers when she gets older, because I'm planning to show her at the county fair next year.”
“Star (aka Afropuff) was sent to us by accident. The customer service at MPC was super nice as always, and even refunded me, but I don't regret having her. She's a constant source of entertainment. She's so sleek and iridescently black with a long upright tail- reminds me of a grackle, especially when she flies. Her beautiful white afro keeps her from seeing well, but she listens for the others and goes running in that direction because she doesn't want to miss anything. She is a pretty good layer of small, white, very oblong eggs but has trouble finding the nest boxes sometimes and will give up and lay in random places. She does NOT like being held or bothered in the nest box and will peck you, but it's probably because we have to sneak up and catch her when's she wandering off or can't find her way back to the coop while free ranging. I trim her hairdo occasionally so she can see better. She hates it, but appreciates the extra vision.”
“We made our very first order of chicks through My Pet Chicken recently and we had an excellent experience. We ordered four Easter Egger Bantams, two White Crested Black Polish Bantams and two Welsummer Bantams. We ordered them a few months in advance. I had to make a change in the order a few weeks later and My Pet Chicken made the change without any problems or hassle. The chicks were sent out on the day My Pet Chicken said they would go out and arrived two days later. I was impressed in the quality of the packaging they were sent in. One chicken did not make it through the trip and a second did not make it past 24 hours. I had expected this as these were chicks and I understood they were fragile - and therefore I ordered a few more than I actually needed. My Pet Chicken did not give me any hassle in reporting the loss and refunded the amount I paid. Their customer service is great. I do need to place future orders and I am definitely using My Pet Chicken again.
As to the Polish Bantams: These are my kids favorites! Both are doing well. Even as chicks they have a cute tuft on the top of their heads. Both are doing very well!”