“Frieda is great!!! She lays the darkest speckled eggs in my flock! Tried 3 varieties of Marans which did not deliver but this hen is worth her weight in gold! Best $5 ever spent.
Hello! We are so sorry that you suspect a little guy in your flock. Our sexing error guarantee will cover any accidental roosters reported between 14 and 22 weeks of age. We reached out to you via email to attend to this issue!
“My Welsummer hens are wonderful layers. One of the girls meets me on the sidewalk every day when I get home from work. She’s a bright spot in my day!”
Thank you Jerry for your review on your Welsummer chick. We are delighted to hear that your chicks are happy and healthy! Welsummers are wonderful birds. They are friendly, intelligent, and easily handled. We hope you enjoy all your chicks!
Gina, we are so happy to read that your little Welsummer is a healthy and happy chick! My Pet Chicken looks forward to helping you with any future needs or questions. We are here for you!
“I only ordered 3, so was a little worried about their travel....they look great, so alert and healthy. Just picked them up from post office 3 hours ago. Very cute chicks!!!”
Thank you, Lori, for letting My Pet Chicken know about your little Welsummers! They are adorable babies and great birds for almost any flock! We hope you have continued happiness and health for many years to come!