“This is the second backyard flock of laying hens that we ordered from My Pet Chicken, and like the first set of chickens, we are completely happy with these. Our first flock were Rhode Island reds we ordered in 2020 and now as they are slowing down in production we are adding the Welsummers. We are looking forward to raising these.”
“Our Welsummer is an amazing egg layer. She started laying first out of my 8 chicks and gives me one daily. She is our alpha (Thought she was a Roo when she was little because of her personality) and comes up and says Hi every time we go outside. The others follow her everywhere she goes.”
“I got 6 Welsummer chicks who all survived and are now almost 8 months. They started laying about a month ago and are finally laying consistently. Unfortunately, I don't want to keep them.
Pros: Hardy, intelligent, very people-friendly, seem like they would do very well in a free-range environment.
Cons: Rather SMALL eggs from LARGE birds! Very disappointed with the size and most of them are just... reddish brown. A pleasant reddish-brown, but a speckled egg is rare with them and I specifically got Welsummers because I was hoping for speckled eggs. They are also more aggressive towards my other hens than any other breed I have encountered and I have raised 9 distinct breeds of chicken. They pick fights with my Orpingtons and harass them frequently, sometimes even trying to attack through the fences of the runs. They are also quite noisy, even when not laying.
Overall they are my least favorite/most problematic breed after Polish. I would not recommend.”
“I am so pleased with my welsummer sparkles. She laid her first egg a day short of 21 weeks old. It was gorgeous dark chocolate with darker speckles all over it. It is a beautiful egg! She is not the friendliest of my flock - runs and will not allow me to handle her but her eggs get an A++ from me. I wish I could share a picture!”
“I got 4 hens and one Rooster a year ago. The girls are very friendly and curious. They lay pretty dark speckled eggs. One girl however lays eggs with consistently thin cracked shell. That‚Äôs ok, I give the cracked egg to my Labrador Retriever. The Rooster is a different story, he is good with ‚ÄúHis‚Äù hens. Dagwood hates people and violently attacks me regularly. He terrifyingly flares his neck feather and goes in to kill me. I have resorted to carrying a fishing pole to battle with him. My legs are always battle scarred.I will re-home him because I have grandchildren. I had my previous Aeurocauna rooster for 12 years. Benny was fine with people.”
“My most friendly, beautiful, & curious bird out of 12. She us ALWAYS coming up to me and has always been super curious as to whatever I'm doing when near her. Her hatchlings came to my home in Arizona on July 14th and arrived happy and healthy. She has the most beautiful colors on her wings. She's not laying or squawking yet so I'll have to update my review later but I would for sure add one of these beauties to your flock if you have the room!”