“I got this chicken a year ago. She was the last one from a batch of 4 to start laying eggs. She does lay beautiful and big blue eggs. My blue Orpington doesn‚Äôt lay an egg as big as my frost legbar ‚ÄúHeiHei‚Äù. She goes broody often, maybe a week per month. I got other 7 chicks this year in June and she is mean to the little ones I need to watch out for her. My orphington does great with the chicks.”
“Lily is my gorgeous Frost Legbar and she lays about 5 or so lovely light blue eggs a week, she has a large, fabulous red comb and upright tail. She‚Äôs somewhat skittish but will let me pet on occasion. A favorite for sure!!”
“"Princess Diana" was a bit shy as a juvenile. now she likes to squat in front of me and get her pets! Lays a beautiful blue egg which makes it easy to tell how often she's laying compared to her coop mates that lay identical looking brown eggs. lol (before she started laying I was a bit worried she was a roo do to the tall tail and spur development. She's quieter than the others and likes to do her own thing a bit. not such a follwer of birds, but comes when I whistle.”
“About 6 months ago I purchased a roo and some hens (day olds) from another major poultry supplier. Price was about the same. When I received the box I had one dead hen and another on the way out. The chicks were small and scrawny. The roo thrived and two of the hens are "okay". They sent me replacements and included some "Easter Eggers" as well for safety of the shipment. I received one dead White Frost and another sickly hen. The Easter Eggers were a hard lesson that not all official Easter Eggers have whiskers AND that other this facility was to be avoided.
I was really worried that chicks from any breeder would be weak. I went back and forth about purchasing additional hens and finally decided to give My Pet Chicken a go. I am not kidding when I say the chicks were almost twice as large as the first ones. They are in with some new Serama chicks (just born) and they are already trying to mother the Seramas in the brooder. Then they remember they are chicks and run around and do all the things healthy chicks SHOULD do.
Thank you My Pet Chicken!”