“I took a chance and ordered chicks last August to be shipped to Texas because of limited availability. My little Sultan was so tiny, I was worried, but she made it. She is still small (bantam size), but she is laying the cutest tiny white eggs four or five times a week. She has the sweetest personality and always comes to me to be picked up. ZsaZsa has to be my favorite hen ever!”
“Lilo is probably the quirkiest bird I have ever had. I waited years to get one and MPC Finally had a few available last spring. I ordered two hens and a Roo but ended up getting two Roos so I had to sell them . Lilo is beautiful but not the brightest hen in the flock . I would not let her free range unsupervised. Her large fro definitely limits her vision and Her heavily feathered Hocks also appear to hinder her ability to run... this chicken can‚Äôt run, she only skips . It‚Äôs the funniest thing I‚Äôve ever seen. I love her to death but I would not recommend this breed for a large flock . They are very high maintenance and the bright white fro and feet are difficult to manage. If you can dedicate the time to their grooming upkeep than go for it !”
“I ordered 4 chicks, 3 Silkies and one Sultan. On Monday evening around 6:00 pm I received notice that the chicks had shipped, and my post office called me at 9:00 a.m. the next morning to let me know they‚Äôd arrived. The chicks were all in terrific shape! Three days later they are healthy and happy little puff balls of joy! My Sultan cracks me up! She jumps on her adopted mom‚Äôs back and runs all about. Such a personality!”
“Miss Leelee Capri is such a hysterical chicken to watch, she's fairly friendly, and will eat out of my hand. So pretty too! She seems to be able to see better than the polish we ordered with her too”
“I ordered 3 Sultans along with some other birds. I really do like their personality the best so far. Not too bossy, high strung, or low on the pecking order. They seem to go with the flow and keep under the radar which is great when we introduced them to our older girls at 4 months. Flo, Lala, and Lola are friendly and absolutely beautiful! Very happy with our purchase :)”