“I ordered 5 chicks (2 white silkies, 1 lavender Orpington and 2 speckled Sussex) from MPC and all arrived safe and healthy. They are all beautiful, sweet and social birds but the silkies are everyone‚Äôs favorite. They are unbelievably adorable and well-behaved. We brought them inside when one hurt her leg and when it got very cold and they were so quiet and neat. They don‚Äôt knock their food or water over like the others. They were also the first to start laying beautiful, petite white/pink eggs. They are at the bottom of the pecking order so I check in on them often to make sure they are okay. A must have.”
“My order included two white silkie bantams. They are SO sweet and pretty. Extremely calm and go to sleep in my lap. I am ridiculously attached, as much as any dog I have had. I have 6 and 8 yr old girls and they allow themselves to be caught and handled by them just as easily. Love them!”
“Review by Anonymous User I ordered 4 chicks, 3 Silkies and one Sultan. On Monday evening around 6:00 pm I received notice that the chicks had shipped, and my post office called me at 9:00 a.m. the next morning to let me know they‚Äôd arrived. The chicks were all in terrific shape! Three days later they are healthy and happy little puff balls of joy! My white Silkie is a tiny delight!”
“I got my first batch of chickens almost 4 years ago and my Silkie is still around and doing wonderfully! She goes broody quite easily and her eggs are tiny, but she has been a consistent layer the whole time! My chickens are all going through a pretty tough molt right now and my Silkie has been consistently laying 4-5 eggs per week!”
“Arrived healthy! And still doing well after 4 weeks! The 3 silkies I ordered were very shy at first but have become very sweet and cuddly! No beard on my white or buff but my blue splash does. They are all beautiful”
“At 17 weeks Sweet Pea has come into her own. She was originally shy, not wanting to be handled so I tamed her at a slower pace. It started with hand feeding, then allowing me to pick her up, then on to sitting on my lap and being comfortable with being petted. Her confidence has grown and she can square off with her mixed flock and grab meal worms with the best of them. A gentle breed that makes the most charming trill sounds. Recommended as a pet.”
“I'm so glad that I was able to snag one in my recent purchase! I was nervous having her in my shipment since she was the only bantam, but all my chicks arrived happy and healthy. Shipping was great, and they were all active when they arrived. Thanks My Pet Chicken for taking care to ship your chicks safely. I'll be placing my spring order soon!”
“She is an excellent mother. My girl only goes broody 2x's per year. She has hatched anything fertile that I put under her. The last batch of eggs - 6qty (5 of them had floating air cell due to shipping), well, she hatched 5 of them, so kudos to "lil mama"! She's not fond of being held, yet is not aggressive. She doesn't come after me, if I go to get her hatchlings, but any other bird that comes near them, she will attack - even 20# grown turkeys! When she does go broody, I will hand feed her blueberries 1x/week with water, since I get concerned about her health. She loses a lot of weight an feathers when broody. She will only briefly get off her eggs (1x/day as best I can figure.) She has just hatched out 5 eggs as I mentioned, and she's 4yrs old. Still lays when not broody, but eggs ARE small and torpedo shaped. Silkies are a unique addition to any diversified flock. Also, despite their feathering (lack of usual chicken feathers) ours tolerates Michigan winters just fine, and she's a Showgirl silkie!”