What is your favourite Naked Life cocktail flavour ? Do you have any other alcoholic cocktail you would like us to turn non-alc?
Canadian Rye, Pina Colada and Italian Sprirz.
“Tastes just like Canadian Rye but without the alcohol or calories. Love the mix with Dry and Lime - very refreshing. This is one of my favourites.”
What is your favourite Naked Life cocktail flavour ? Do you have any other alcoholic cocktail you would like us to turn non-alc?
Canadian rye dry and lime
“Love this in a long glass with lots of ice and a squeeze of fresh lime. Refreshing and tastes like the real thing. Great substitute for alcohol that actually tastes good too.”
What is your favourite Naked Life cocktail flavour ? Do you have any other alcoholic cocktail you would like us to turn non-alc?
Wimbledon, cosmo, yuzu, Canadian, G&T, whiskey sour.
“If you didn’t know it was non alcoholic you wouldn’t be able to pick it”