“I’m also using enzymes. Very much satisfied with all my produucts.
Just I thing I’ve noticed lately: the capsule that the enzymes are in seem to be more easily broken or some are already cracked.”
“I have been taking Body and Mind for 29 years. I will be 79 years young in July. Folks need to supplement their diet with superfoods for longevity. If you don't, degenerative disease will take your life away. Starvation is a slow process. Your Algae is the richest aquatic food on the planet and Moringa is the richest terrestrial food! You need to put both in one capsule and longevity is in sight for everyone!!”
“A wonderful supplement of real-only food, i.e., algae. These micro-nutrients definitely support health: if you feel better and this is the first new thing you've done, then it's the algae :) That's what I've experienced. Additionally, for years I fed my three Kitties this particular algae...little sprinkles then a little more. They lived relatively long lives: 18-19, and 20. The one with the 18-year happy life was supposed to live only about 5 more of his 10 years (when I got him) because of a Cat-HIV condition. Nope, he lived much longer. I attribute it to this algae. Thank you!”