“The Kit that started it all! I've been whitening with novashine for over a year now and don't plan to stop any time soon. I usually use it 1 or 2 times a month with consistently great results! When I look back at my old pics before getting novashine I am disgusted. How did I not notice how tarnished my teeth had gotten over the years. Please don't let that be YOU!”
“A major step up from whitening strips although for the best results I still have to make sure my teeth are as dry as possible before I start whitening”
“I was very surprised that this kit was able to lift my deep-set stains pain-free. The gel is potent but safe. It's nice to know I can whiten my teeth without compromising the health of my enamel. That was my #1 priority. I highly recommend it if you have any kind of oral sensitivity.”