“So, I did the test (super easy) and shipped it back. I must say the results were very surprising to me as it was above average and my score was 90! I thought for sure it would be really bad because I struggle with constipation on a regular basis even though I eat pretty healthy. I was recommended the Heart Health probiotic to improve my good bacteria. So, I'm hoping this does the trick. Very optimistic and excited to experience my results and waiting for my product to arrive.”
Hi there Melissa,
We are always looking for ways to improve the feasibility of our products and we are so glad to hear that you found the sampling process easy. If you ever find yourself feeling like the Heart Health probiotics are not working for you, please feel free to reach out to our customer care team at support@ombrelab.com. and we will help you find the perfect blend.
Hi there William,
It is always great to receive positive results especially when you are hoping for the good result to keep the doctors away. And with great results it is always a plus to save!
Hi there Nina,
We think so too! We are so happy to hear that you have found value to your results! If you ever have any questions about your results, please feel free to reach out to us anytime.
“I have been a nurse for many years and I am about to graduate as a nurse practitioner. If I, as a medical professional, am having trouble understanding my results, then how do you expect non medical people to understand their results. For example, the likelihood analysis, I am below average in all areas. The titles of a few areas are not personalized and are confusing. For example the titles "More likely to have trouble maintaining a healthy weight" and "More likely to feel fatigued and tired". Is below average good or bad? If this is saying I am less likely than others, then I am not sure how accurate the results are, because I am tired very often. Although, I do maintain a healthy weight, I can not get rid of this waist line fat no mature what I do.
Also, I paid extra for the premium so that I could know if I had any food intolerance specifically, but those results are so broad, not specific, and confusingly worded, that it is not helpful at all. I was expecting to see specific foods listed in relation to how my body interacts/responds to them, but that is not what is there. Lastly, your list of foods to avoid or those that are recommended change based off of the "diet that I choose to follow". For example, if I change the diet button to anti-inflammatory vs no diet, I get different results. Wouldn't a gut microbiome test be best utilized if you recommend what type of diet is currently best for each person based on current microbiome results so that they could work towards optimal health and mitigate disease?
Even though the results are confusing to understand and are not meeting my expectations of personalized results in a way that is easy to understand, I like I understand that the recommended foods and list of foods to avoid are helpful in guiding one to choose the foods that will potentially help balance out ones microbiome diversity with the intension of better health. Over all, this test is ok and has its benefits, but could be better.
Oh, and also the app does not work. I can not access my results, it just takes me to the website to buy tests or products. It is a little annoying because it is difficult to find the correct link to login to see results on a web browser.”
Hi there Kelli,
As always, we welcome constructive criticism as we are currently working to update content for clarity and what the latest research presents. The areas discussed are currently in the works to be updated.
Based on the literature being outside the average range, high or low, could contribute to these imbalances/symptoms. Due to being outside the range (deficient on both bacteroides and bifidobacteria) you are more likely to feel fatigued or have low energy.The food intolerances section is based on which bacteria have been presented within the literature to have a correlation with specific food intolerances such as gluten or lactose. This information is solely based on bacteria associations and is very limited within the literature. A more comprehensive food intolerance and sensitivity test would look at the immune response by measuring IgG reactivity.
You are correct, the foods to incorporate or avoid will change based on specific diets that are selected due to the type of diet. If someone is vegan all the non vegan food items will be removed leaving the recommendations based on their selected diet. However, the food recommendations do not recommend a specific diet. The recommendations are based on which foods have shown within the literature to selectively feed specific beneficial bacteria that the sample presented deficient. These do not always fall under a specific diet plan. Additionally, many customers desire to stick to their specific diet may it be vegan, paleo, low FODMAP, gluten free therefore we adjust the recommendations to the diet they desire. A recommended diet plan based on the populated foods may be a benefit to our customer base and we appreciate the suggestion. We will note this and discuss possibilities with our development team. We appreciate your feedback.
“It's been weeks since i submitted my sample, but haven't received the test results. The company's asking how i like their products, but since i have no test results, i'm not able to order any products....”
Hi Jill,
Please have a look into your Ombre account and you will see your completed results. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your results or recommendations, please feel free to reach out to our support team at support@ombrelab.com.
Hi there Johnson,
I'm glad to hear that you found your results to be informative and that you will use them to seek treatment to improve your gut health. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at support@ombrelab.com.
Hi there Mary,
We are so happy that you found your results to be informative and useful and we are glad that you like your food recommendation. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at support@ombrelab.com.