Why did you purchase this gut health test?
To have a good look at my microbiome because I believe some imbalances are creating metabolic health problems.
“This gives you a complete look at your microbiome. I've done Ombre once a year for several years but I tried a different vendor, who was highly ranked, and they did not have nearly the detailed breakout that Ombre had and it was more expensive. I'd give 5 stars but they were slow once and I had another problem but their customer service made it all good quickly.”
Why did you purchase this gut health test?
I purchased because I am a firm believer in doing what I can for myself, myself and not going through the healthcare system unnecessarily.
“Home testing it the way to go. It supplements where health care leaves off. We know enough this day and age on how to take care of our selves, Ombre is another way to help. There is freedom without having to go through doctors and insurances. Of course we still need those but we can help ourselves along the way. Patient heal thyself is not just a saying, it is the old way becoming the new way all over again. Ombre makes it easy for me to keep track and help reset my gut microbiome. The doctors and insurances are there for the others things I simply can't do on my own.”
“Ombre has been a great source of information for ways to improve and understand my gut health. The reports and diet recommendations are my favorite part of the product. I highly recommend trying if you are looking for answers regarding your gut health.”
“It’s been very helpful, I recommended to others. I can’t say the information that is provided is super helpful, it seems to contradict from test to test, but I’ve been using other resources to try to understand the results. Ombre only gives what looks to be simplified data. But nonetheless it’s a great way to test your gut without involving a doctor or insurance.”
Why did you purchase this gut health test?
Dr recommended
“From my Drs post test evaluations we have been trying different probiotics etc for my sibling. Based on my observations he does seem to be doing better though it’s a slow process. We are grateful our dr is able to access these types of tests.”
“I have done a handful of other stool sample tests and all are a million times better than what I received from my Ombre test results. I do not feel one little bit of information provided to me via the results will be helpful in determining my gut health. There isn't any specific information that I could use to improve my gut health. ALSO Ombre tests results are wildly different than my other test results which were all consistent with each other. I am actually quite confused how you are still in business.”