“This is tiny. I don't run a pedal board but if I did the size alone would be a big plus. For me, the benefits are that everything is 9V -- this is good because my other power board, which is brilliant in its own right, has various output voltages up to 18V and I am worried I will fry something by plugging it into an 18V output. Another winning feature of this unit is that using a (supplied) octopus cable I can power the rare unit that needs something like 1A. Another advantage is that all connections handle up to 500 mA, which accommodates pretty much everything. Some other power supplies have multiple options, 100mA, 350ma, 450 mA, etc., which is fine but you need to go back to your manual to see what the pedal requires and requires some forethought (ugh) about arranging pedals. Finally, the unit can be plugged into any power source, not just 240V (I know only one other that does this). On top of that, it actually includes adaptor plugs for other countries! Oh, and it is cheaper than many alternatives which offer less. Should I stop? One more -- it can be made part of a modular system which incorporates other units such as battery supplies and USB options. Brilliant.”