“I own three Casiotone MT mini keyboards, and I like being able to use them all at once so I can have one keyboard for each hand and the other doing my backing track. while using them all simultaneously is doable when I am listening to them out loud, their speakers aren't very powerful and I also wanted to experiment with running all three keyboards into a delay pedal.
the micro mix made this work quite smoothly! I first tried the three keyboards into a bass amp, this did give me a bit of noise but I raised the volume of the keyboards and lowered it on the mixer and that fixed the problem. I tested it both outloud and with headphones and it sounded pretty much the same as how the keyboards sound through their own speakers.
then I tried the mixer into a digital delay pedal going into my main keyboard amp and this worked fairly well, once again a bit of noise if the volume came from the mixer instead of the keyboards but otherwise nothing to complain about.
i found that I had to use a reamp box to connect it to my analogue pedals without getting unwanted distortion and a lot of noise, but I'm used to having to reamp most of my digital keyboards when going into analogue pedals so this wasn't an issue for me.
it's very cheap and if you are someone who likes having a multi-synth set up but you also like using hardware effect pedals and amps which often have a limited number of inputs then this will make your life a lot easier. the sound quality is fairly clear and it does what I needed it to”