“I like not having to change batteries, but yesterday my transmitter just died without a warning. Luckily I was between flights and I didn't lose my plane, but I could have. I took it home and plugged in the charger and started digging through the settings and realised there is a place to change the battery type from Alkaline to Li-Ion. If you don't do that the transmitter will shut off before it reaches the low voltage warning for Alkaline. With it set improperly it was showing a full battery pack right up until it shut off I believe. I've fixed it and set a higher alert point. I'll be keeping a closer eye on the voltage too. Don't make the mistake I did! It would be great if the instruction sheet pointed this out or if the transmitter just realised it was Li-Ion. Also, it's a tight fit, but if you take out both bits of foam it will go in without cutting the transmitter body. Despite these issues, I'm happy with the product.”