“S.A. Wilson's is the only one I trust to give me the best product for my detoxing needs. I have very high standards and S.A. Wilson"s is the only one that meets that standard.”
“i feel coffee enemas help keep me healthy and cleaner of toxins. if i feel down, or even under the weather/sick, a coffee enema will turn me around and pick me up. i've kept breast cancer at bay for 4 yrs now without the suggested mastectomy, chemo & radiation. I've turned my life around completely, cleaned up my diet and given up what causes stress in my life. I feel these enemas are a great help in maintaining health. health starts in the gut remember, that means colon too. get the sh!it out as fast as you can so it doesn't fester inside and reabsorb. when detoxing, you need to flush it out asap. it's a daily routine for me now. i gave it up for a few months as i read you can't go on our own if on it too long. not true. for me anyways. i resumed my daily enemas, or every 2nd or 3rd day at times, and i like the way it makes me feel. i recommend it if you are fighting any disease. but help it out with clean living and eating too. your body is a smart machine, so feed it what helps it run properly. cant feed you car junk instead of gas and expect it to run properly .. your body isn't much different.”