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As I Saw It - Tuia 20 Reviews

4.7 Rating 410 Reviews
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? The kit exposed students to a variety of sources that they may not have been exposed to before. This allowed for discussions related to the anniversary media viewed regularly on TV about the 250 years landmark. We even had discussions on what racism might
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? This kit provided some very good secondary, hands-on resources to compliment students' learning. Having resources compliments the now heavy reliance on video sources to teach a variety of lessons. I'd be happy if I was able to readily access resources lik
I'm thankful that organisations such as your own have produced and provide to schools such cool resources. We enjoyed mapping out the different perspectives of the characters and explored the complexities possibly experienced by the characters. We liked the fact that it wasn't a one way version of history, but rather encouraged students to think critically about the evidence in front of them. Thanks for choosing our school to receive this resource.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? Sometimes teaching history can be a bit scary, I never want to offend anyone and finding engaging resources is difficult, this has helped give me confidence that I could do something like this again with a different topic or event.
Thank you once again for such an awesome resource. I really appreciated the effort you went to to challenge our tamariki (and us as teachers!) to think about and listen to or appreciate the perspectives of others. As always you were able to do this in a fun and engaging way. Thank you again!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
This was a great teacher resource and it helped me facilitate many interesting discussions in my classroom. It helped my students see that there are many sides of a single story and the importance of keeping an open mind. Also the Maori students in my class were excited to have Maori resources which got them to buy-in to the topic.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? The activities were very perspective based which promoted group discussion. It was great for them to hear the perspectives of others and to learn from them.
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? I feel more comfortable with teaching NZ history in the coming years. The interest level was high and the students clearly want to know more.
A great resource that provided the students with an insight into NZ history. Showing an understanding and appreciation of different perspectives was a powerful outcome of this unit. It certainly opened the eyes of many of my culturally diverse students.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? Looking at one event from a variety of different perspectives has been really powerful. It has led to a lot of really interesting discussions around media information about the Tuia 250 events, the arrival of Europeans in Aotearoa, and even how misunderst
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? This kit gave me the tools to confidently facilitate some really meaningful learning with my class. There has been some amazing feedback from Whānau as their children have shared their learning at home. We need more resources like this.
The Tuia 250 - As I saw It kit has been a fabulous resource in my Year 5 and 6 class. The children have been totally engaged. We started with the kit the first day of Term 3 and our learning journey has taken many twists and turns through most curriculum areas. In Week 8 of Term 4 they are still totally motivated and are currently working furiously to complete their exhibition boards, which they will share with the rest of the school before displaying them at our final assembly. For our class this kit became a starting point to explore not only this part of our history, but what came before and the effects that it has had since.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Thanks for this kit team. Was pretty good. The hands-on stuff is what the kids love. More of this please!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? They particularly enjoyed the character cards. The activities really helped begin to understand how one moment in time can effect people in different ways. We have been able to relate this into our restorative practices.
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? This kit really opened my eyes to a different way of presenting inquiry to students. They were really engaged because they had ownership of there exploration.
What a fantastic kit this was! The children in my class loved unfolding history and for some it has ignited a real passion for NZ history. Prior to teaching this unit the students had little to no knowledge of this event.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? They were already being taught 'my own perspective' or 'from my point of view' in their leadership class, so this consolidated looking at OTHER perspectives and points of view, which was great.
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? Resources like this make me more confident in delivering such information. It is at times, difficult to decide, what to teach as there is so much history and there are the multiple perspectives and other cultures, just like there are today.
I have a class of year 5/6 boys who, at times, need a good sell for a new learning experience. These boys spend a lot of time with our Matua in the school and he was able to help me 'sell' the kit using some of the ideas in the resource links. It was so authentic, leading onto further research and learning and even linking in with our inquiry.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago