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As I Saw It - Tuia 20 Reviews

4.7 Rating 410 Reviews
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? It allowed the chance for students to look at, read and discuss information from a range of perspectives from Māori and Pākehā people back in 1769–70. It allowed them to put themselves in the shoes of those involved when they otherwise would never have ha
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? This kit has given me a range of ideas on how to approach and teach NZ History in a different way that includes looking at the different perspectives from our past.
An amazing resource shared thank you! I've enjoyed how this resource helps to celebrate Aotearoa New Zealand’s Pacific voyaging heritage and acknowledges the first onshore encounters between Māori and Pākehā in 1769–70.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? We looked at both sides through the use of the people cards, these were really good to use.
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? This kit makes teaching NZ history easier. The items provided a reason to discuss what happened and we compared it to what happens today.
This kit was great. It gave us a chance to compare and contrast what happened in our district when Captain Cook arrived. Kids had great fun comparing stories from their cards about event.They were interested in what was in the museum kit and what they were used for. We used this kit to help with our Discover - The Past
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? This kit has made it so much easier to teach New Zealand History, having the tools all in one box ready to go. It would be great to see more kits on this type of topic.
Thank you so much for sending this kit. It was great opportunity for the tamariki to explore New Zealand History. It also gave them I much better understanding of the importance of not just listening to one story . How everyone sees thing for a different point of view, depending on where they are. This is a good learning tool for school as well.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? Having the character cards was really helpful to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives. Discussing how different characters' backgrounds, agendas, &; locations affected their interpretation of events was made easier using the maps &; character cards.
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? Valuable to realise that for every event in NZ History there are multiple perspectives and multiple truths about what happened &; who did what.
Lots of discussion generated by the ideas in this kit. Developing ability to see, hear, &; understand multiple perspectives was really valuable. This idea has permeated into other areas of learning in class too.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? See above.
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? It was a perfect tool to promote discussion around different perspectives. I think it really opened children's eyes to what happened 250years ago.
This kit was amazing. It fit perfectly with what we were doing with the Tuia 250 theme.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? This was great. We started with a cupcake going missing from class and this lead to lots of discussions around what we all saw which lead to our discussion around the different views of what happened in the story. Thank you.
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? We have always taught NZ history at our school so I think this is a great move. We often look at the local history around land wars etc.
We have been studying Tuia 250 all year and the first encounters so this fitted in perfectly. We loved the resources and had lots of engagement, great discussions and learning. Thank you for an awesome kit.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? It was an incredibly balanced resource which gave the children the opportunity to see both sides to a story. The way the resource was presented allowed for a real balance and also sparked some very deep discussions. They could relate the idea of multiple
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? Absolutely - I feel so much more confident and love the perspectives the story brought forward. It opened my eyes to the many untold stories which we have in our local histories and how rich these are for our children.
I used this resource with my Y5/6 children. It was a wonderful resource with a great variety of activities. The children were engaged and inquisitive. It then lead into an investigation of Tupia which we all found really interesting and informative. We had an author visit, and created an incredible child-led display in our library. Well done to the kit developers.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? It really made them think. It also made the history more real and relate-able.
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? It has often been said that history is written by the victor. Meaning that it is subjective, We need to remember that there are many perspectives and interest that are different from our own and should be considered and reflected on.
An amazing resource. To get the kids thinking about these events for different perspectives is really thought provoking.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago