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As I Saw It - Tuia 20 Reviews

4.7 Rating 410 Reviews
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? I think it has made me appreciate the deeper aspects of NZ history - how we can teach it to create wonder and discussion through artefacts.
We really enjoyed using the kit. We created a class newspaper (set at the time that the Endeavour arrived) using the perspectives. We also made children's pop up books. I'm happy to share these (but I'm not on FB). It was very valuable to examine the different perspectives by the 'characters'.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? As the students were able to learn about each character in some detail through the engaging activities, they were better able to discuss their character's perspective. The ";Guess Who"; board game was another way to engage students in learning about more
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? I think it is important to teach New Zealand history - however it is important to get it right and consider all perspectives. It is wonderful to now know about Tuapia and his importance in developing understandings between Maori and Pakeha.
The students (and teacher :-) ) were incredibly engaged throughout term three as they learnt about James Cook's journey and the interactions between Maori and Pakeha. There was some really good discussions on how Maori might have felt when they first saw the Endeavour. Miscommunication, misunderstandings were words that were used to describe 'the day' that the kit focused on. However the students also talked about how Maori people forgave the Pakeha crew; the desire for James Cook to put things right as well. We talked about how different things are important to people - that we value things for different reasons that may or may not make sense to others - but we must respect this. Thank you for putting together such an engaging kit with wonderful activities that excited my students' curiosity.
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Posted 5 years ago
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? It was put together in such an authentic context that the children were engaged from day one. The supporting videos and websites for teachers also helped with my understanding of the historical perspectives. I don't feel as anxious about teaching NZ histo
This was an amazing kit and we are still happily working our way through it. The initial knowledge of our history was very poor and after looking at some of the people, places and objects associated with this time, children have a greater understanding of our history and from a variety of perspectives. We presented our exhibition to the whole school, opening our class doors and encouraging people to come in and view the interactive displays. We had portraits drawn by the children, quizzes, posters, board games and recorded interviews for the audience to look through. A really enjoyable unit of work.
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Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? Helped hem realise that there is more than one side to a story and how important it is to hear them all before making a judgement
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? We need to teach more NZ History in schools as our children are growing up with no knowledge of the events that shaped our society.
My class were really engaged in their journey especially in their witnesses recount. To realise that these were real people helped authenticate their learning. We all learned something new. The students enjoyed preparing their exhibition and sharing it with other classes. Well worth doing this kit.
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Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? I will email some student writing. These were an assessment so please excuse any spelling/punctuation errors. These are indicative of the level of thinking across the class. Comments refer to pictures supplied, from either the Tupaia book or your characte
This kit was excellent. My students particularly enjoyed the character cards, which I copied for them and we used as a reading activity, digging deep into each character and their views. They also enjoyed the objects. They really bought history alive. The Guess Who game was an excellent idea too, and thoroughly enjoyed by students. We linked this study to the new book The Adventures of Tupaia. These resources complemented each other. Student writing in as assessment at the end of the study demonstrated a real ability to consider history from various points of view, which is what this study was all about. Photos are of skits of first contact constructed by students and interspersed with reo Maori.
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Posted 5 years ago
How did this kit help your students to discuss the idea of multiple perspectives? The students enjoyed looking at different points of views and understand how people react because of different environments and prior knowledge. When we did our initial experience with the teacher stealing another teachers object the students found it ha
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? For the students it has helped them realize that the European and Maori people came from very different backgrounds and experience so their perceptions of events were very different too. They became very frustrated with the "; unfair"; situations of trade
Student Voice Rm 7 I liked how hard it was figuring out who had fired the gun. We had to read everyone's different story . -Caiside I liked reading and finding out what everyone was doing at the time of the explosion. -Kristian I was fun opening up all the artifacts and finding out about them. - Rawi It was fun learning about what happened on that day and everyone's different ideas. -Seb I liked putting myself into the objects perspective - Ryan. It was interesting learning the other people's sides of the story.- Tula i liked seeing the objects in real life and writing about them. Taliyah I liked how it was a team effort and not just individually.- Matthew
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
How has this kit changed your perspective on teaching NZ History? It is engaging for children and I am keen to do more. Resources are very hard to come by - especially resources aimed for children. I had to sift through a lot of information (which was initially hard to find) to upskill myself and provide guidance for th
Great kit. The kids have really enjoyed putting themselves back in time. We split the kit into ";characters' ";places"; and ";objects"; between the 3 rooms of our syndicate for the museum exhibit. Our class looked in detail at ";places";. The students really enjoyed researching the places Captain Cook landed at or sailed past. We mapped his route around NZ and then in groups had one location to study in depth. We created visual pieces and wrote descriptive paragraphs to go with these. Some of us chose to create HUGE paintings like many paintings from the era! Our exhibit is next week and we can't wait!
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Posted 5 years ago
Student Voice: First of all we would like to say Thank you for sending the kit for us so we can learn about what happened at Mercury Bay. One of our teachers, Mr Ladbrook, sat down and told us one of the parts of what happened at Mercury Bay. May I say so myself, I was very intrigued about what happened. Mrs Fuller, our teacher gave us cards all about the shooting incident between Gore and Oturinui. We had to create a timeline from morning to night. Then we got given cards about the objects, Mrs Fuller also laid out all the objects for us to all connect the objects and story. After that my friends and I got the map and we got to put down where everyone was at the time of the shooting. Now another step before the final step is to basically create a draft of our layout. When we all finished òur drafts we had a blind vote to choose which persons design we should use. Lastly we all got given an object to write about, I got the telescope lens. After everyone was finished writing theirs we carefully pinned the piece of writing and object onto to our display. In my opinion the final result looked amazing, and it was a very fun experience.
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Posted 5 years ago