How effective were the components of this kit?
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them
"Everything was easy for me because there were pictures and words" "Our learning about farms was really fun because we got to play too!" "I really liked creating stories on the farm and I can't wait to show my mum and dad my stop motion video!"
Which kit components were the most impactful and why?
All components were impactful. Every child in my class was able to experience success with this kit because the components were easy to follow, were easily adaptable and came with a variety of challenges able to be changed easily for the learners needs.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners?
My learners were completely inspired by this kit. They are all confident in creating their own stories and filming them and all were able to achieve this task no matter what their reading or writing level is. During break times my students were found sneaking into class to work on their projects/storyboards because they couldn't get enough!!
How effective was this kit in engaging your junior learners in literacy?
How important is it to you that classroom resources are made from recyclable materials and are reusable?
How did the context of farming allow your learners to explore and develop literacy?
My learners watched videos and we read books where we learnt topic vocabulary such as compost, weeds, mulch as well as the supplied English/Te Reo Māori vocab words which came in really handy for when children were writing their stories and translating their sentences into Te Reo. This mahi also highlighted that many of my students didn't understand how farms work and what farmers do/supply them with, so we explored things like where milk comes from, how butter is made etc which not only developed their oral language and vocabulary but also their understanding of how the world works.
How likely are you to reuse the components of this kit?
In what ways did your supplement your classroom Bricks Farm?
Students brought in Bricks Farm pieces from home
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?