How effective were the components of this kit?
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them
Student 1: "I really liked doing the thing when we did the farm with other people in a small team. We got to think about the team and who was doing the jobs.I got to be the builder and then I got to tell everyone else what to do too. I really liked the soil experiment - we made edible soil. It was so yum". Student 2 "I liked it best when we had made all the farm and then we got to write some stories about the farm and we got to do some pictures about the farm too. I liked learning all about the things. Miss M showed us some cool videos and we got to do some science stuff too like planting stuff and watching stuff."
Which kit components were the most impactful and why?
The teaching materials and the bricks themselves. We didn't use the cards as much- I passed the dice on to the Year 6 teacher, they were a bit hard for my learners.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners?
The teamwork element was amazing and the ease in which we were able to integrate various areas of the curriculum. It was so cool to be able to do some science and some art - all linked in to the kit. I was able to use it as a starting point and then extend and or scaffold as necessary.
How effective was this kit in engaging your junior learners in literacy?
How important is it to you that classroom resources are made from recyclable materials and are reusable?
How did the context of farming allow your learners to explore and develop literacy?
We didn't use the literacy element as much as the other components. We tried a couple of times and I altered the literacy element, but it was quite hard to do with the kit elements. We instead wrote some stories about what might be happening on the farm, who might live there etc.
How likely are you to reuse the components of this kit?
In what ways did your supplement your classroom Bricks Farm?
Brought in Bricks Farms pieces from home
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?