How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
How effective was this kit in connecting global examples of racism to the NZ context?
In what ways did this kit empower your students to challenge racism?
It didn't really, to my understanding. Racism is often experienced in face-to-face conversations and confrontations. This kit did not provide resources to help students address this kind of racism. I would question who this kit's target audience is too.
How much of an impact was the Teacher Journal in challenging your views or ideas?
How effective was the use of social Media for Fighting Social Injustice
Not all of my students use Instagram quite in that manner and I felt that this did not meet my student's interests.
In what ways did the Teacher Journal challenge you?
I felt that the resources were really leading! My Degree is in Anthropology and Sociology and I felt the resources were shallow, lacked authority, and were not integrous.