How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
How effective was this kit in connecting global examples of racism to the NZ context?
In what ways did this kit empower your students to challenge racism?
For he first couple of posters, the students looked at the content with interest, but needed quite a lot of input to then relate what happened globally into a local context. They improved at this with each poster we studied and researched.
How much of an impact was the Teacher Journal in challenging your views or ideas?
How effective was the use of social Media for Fighting Social Injustice
I found this part hard to introduce as I am not an instagrammer, but the students took to it and liked being able to take action in a way that was logical to them because they use insta all the time.
In what ways did the Teacher Journal challenge you?
At school, I was dealing with a group of students who were treating me in a racist way. Through my journalling, I was able to explore my reaction to this and ensure that it didn't elicit a racist response from me.