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Challenging Racism: Year 9-10 21 Reviews

4.3 Rating 186 Reviews
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was this kit in connecting global examples of racism to the NZ context?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
In what ways did this kit empower your students to challenge racism? This kit is a good starting point and works well with our school's inclusion in Te Hurihanganui. Hopefully the we can continue to use this kit for a few more years yet.
How much of an impact was the Teacher Journal in challenging your views or ideas?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was the use of social Media for Fighting Social Injustice A few of the students really enjoyed this. Not all the students in the class had access to technology.
In what ways did the Teacher Journal challenge you? We did not do the teacher journal aspect due to lockdown and the pressures of it.
Our Year 10 cohort loved the racism Pictionary. I was surprised by some of the stereotypes. We wondered what other students in other regions would draw.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was this kit in connecting global examples of racism to the NZ context?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
In what ways did this kit empower your students to challenge racism? It provided an opportunity for students to be more aware of what was going on around them.
How much of an impact was the Teacher Journal in challenging your views or ideas?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was the use of social Media for Fighting Social Injustice We did not use this part of the kit.
In what ways did the Teacher Journal challenge you? Although I did not fully use this, it gave me some food for thought on this topic.
This kit had some excellent resources and ideas for teaching racism. Although we did not manage to get through all the resources due to Covid the ones we used were suitable and enjoyable for students. They enjoyed the hands on nature of the kit as well.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was this kit in connecting global examples of racism to the NZ context?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
In what ways did this kit empower your students to challenge racism? Contexts that we could further build on, gave them agency.
How much of an impact was the Teacher Journal in challenging your views or ideas?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was the use of social Media for Fighting Social Injustice Perfect - they are all online and this was an excellent way to engage them on the content they see online.
In what ways did the Teacher Journal challenge you? NA
The resources are easy to use and ready to run which is perfect for a busy teacher dealing with lockdowns and closed buildings.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was this kit in connecting global examples of racism to the NZ context?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
In what ways did this kit empower your students to challenge racism? The materials seemed designed to encourage students to become outspoken on social media, which is good, but in the time I was able to use them I thought there could have been more meat to ensure the students had a good understanding of what was meant by r
How much of an impact was the Teacher Journal in challenging your views or ideas?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was the use of social Media for Fighting Social Injustice I had not realised that use of Instagram would be part of the kit, and I find specified social media such as that somewhat limiting and also sometimes inappropriate for some of my students. The idea of creating online campaigns was interesting.
In what ways did the Teacher Journal challenge you? I did not engage with the journal as much as I should have. However, I thought that it was a good idea to really get teachers to consider their understanding of the topic properly, instead of just passing on information without their own engagement. I fel
It is difficult to rate this kit as I was jsut beginning to get into the materials when we went into Alert Level 4. Most of the materials looked like good starters and introductions, but less like ideas for what to do with the materials than other kits I have ordered.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was this kit in connecting global examples of racism to the NZ context?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
In what ways did this kit empower your students to challenge racism? This resource was empowering for students in the ways that it challenged their preconceived ideas on structural racism.
How much of an impact was the Teacher Journal in challenging your views or ideas?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was the use of social Media for Fighting Social Injustice Very helpful. We engaged only briefly due to time restraints but was a helpful resource that students and I enjoyed engaging with.
In what ways did the Teacher Journal challenge you? I was already fluent in the ways that racism occurred and was already convinced but the resource furthered the discussion into deeper reflections for myself and the class
Students enjoyed the conversations that this resource created. The activities were at times somewhat confusing to follow but when completed, it provided a good avenue for some great discussions in unpacking racism
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was this kit in connecting global examples of racism to the NZ context?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
In what ways did this kit empower your students to challenge racism? Gave us some really good activities (and resources) to be able to facilitate the conversations we wanted to have.
How much of an impact was the Teacher Journal in challenging your views or ideas?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was the use of social Media for Fighting Social Injustice Worked with/for some of the students. Some were really keen, some will do whatever work we ask them to but did it well. Instagram is less of a social media focus for most junior students than it might have been two years ago
In what ways did the Teacher Journal challenge you? Gave me some valuable points to think about when framing activities, especially as a non POC. Good conversation points as a teaching team too
Awesome resources and some really good activities which helped open dialogue and have effective discussions around a often difficult topic. Lots of ongoing conversations that related to previous topics and have continued to do so. Would have been good to get the kits and access to the whole online teaching guide a lot earlier than we did. Some of the guidance for teachers was a bit vague. Instagram isn't the social media hook it might have been 2 years ago.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was this kit in connecting global examples of racism to the NZ context?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
In what ways did this kit empower your students to challenge racism? Really great as this is a heightened topic to a lot of students.
How much of an impact was the Teacher Journal in challenging your views or ideas?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was the use of social Media for Fighting Social Injustice They loved the resources, the wheels for what they see in their classroom.
In what ways did the Teacher Journal challenge you? I had to stop and think hard about some of these prompts but made me become more aware of how everyday thoughts can be an unconscious bias.
This was incredibly thought provoking. It was shared with our staff in our PLG which focuses on normalising Te reo in kura. Some found it confronting but they particularly liked the stereotype Pictionary activity. With my students that need support we described what these stereo types might look likeā€¦ including the clothes they wear. This was really interesting.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was this kit in connecting global examples of racism to the NZ context?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
In what ways did this kit empower your students to challenge racism? I stopped using it.
How much of an impact was the Teacher Journal in challenging your views or ideas?
Very Low
Very High
How effective was the use of social Media for Fighting Social Injustice I stopped using it.
In what ways did the Teacher Journal challenge you? I stopped using it.
Some of the resources are fantastic and others overbearing. My biggest problem is they are not available when I need them to plan ahead. The system is set up like Facebook- drop feeding, cheering on, keeping people engaged but not like an educational program where the teacher makes decisions before they commit to a course of actions. I would want all resources available from the beginning, so that I have agency for my students and ultimately my program.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago