How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
How effective was this kit in connecting global examples of racism to the NZ context?
In what ways did this kit empower your students to challenge racism?
As we have a number of Asian students, now they have more strategies to challenge the misconceptions and be more outspoken. The kit encourages students to be respectful towards other races and cultures but at the same time acknowledge and address their ow
How much of an impact was the Teacher Journal in challenging your views or ideas?
How effective was the use of social Media for Fighting Social Injustice
It was very useful because today's generation engages well with social media and can use it as a tool to create change around them. Even being able to share the content that challenges racism or reporting the racist content can make them feel like they ar
In what ways did the Teacher Journal challenge you?
It made me think of my personal biases and challenge them. I see that small steps can make a huge difference. A small gesture by their teachers can make students feel more empowered.