How has this kit helped develop your student's self confidence?
They developed confidence to share.
So often they seem out of sorts, I can tell, I ask them and they say 'I'm fine'
When we used the tokens they knew I was physically coming to check on them, not their work, not their attitude or behaviour, but them.
How effective is the Charging Station in promoting Student-Teacher communication?
How has this kit impacted your class community during covid times?
Many of them feel stuck and not sure why or what to do about it.
The cards with ideas on them are wonderful because they can discreetly go and choose one or as a whānau we can do that together.
It's a great resource for me too when I am not sure how t
How has this kit helped develop Student-Teacher communication?
Our communication improved so much.
I believe that is because it was a non-confrontational method of saying ";hey, things suck right now and I want to tell you but coming to you to talk feels hard"; among other things.
How relevant how this kit been for your students during Covid times?
How successful has this kit been in building student confidence?