How successful has this kit been in building student confidence?
How effective were the components of this kit?
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them
1. I really liked putting the token in the box each morning so my teacher could come have a chat with me if I was in the red zone. 2. I like the class chats that we had. 3. I didn't like filling in a red card cos I was already in the red zone and didn't want to write.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why?
The cards to lead discussions. And the tokens as some were saying they were in the red as they couldn't find their pencil, so there were many great robust conversations about each zone.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners?
Not to weigh events down on themselves. Also the large chart now features in our "red zone" area where students read it and take big breaths to get back to yellow and then (fingers crossed) are functioning at green.
In what ways has this kit helped develop student confidence
Speaking up, even to their friends and making sure others actually listen!
How successful has this kit been in building student resilisence?
How has this kit helped develop student resilience?
So many discussions on not getting blocked by others with their moods or actions. Knowing they are in charge.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community?
I have heard students say, "it is my turn and you need to actively listen!"
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community?
This is the same question as above....