How successful has this kit been in building student confidence?
How effective were the components of this kit?
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them
I thought about what I can control and what I can't. I can end an argument if I am upset by walking away or taking deep breaths.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why?
The visual of feeling they have a low battery and voicing why this is helped them to work through emotions and knowing what to do to help themselves, were all helpful in our space. We loved the workbooks too and the kids took these very seriously as we worked through the different pages.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners?
Feeling better about themselves, knowing what they can control and what they can't. Being more confident and having self respect.
In what ways has this kit helped develop student confidence
Students are now voicing how they felt and what they did to resolve a conflict or to recharge themselves.
How successful has this kit been in building student resilisence?
How has this kit helped develop student resilience?
Kds feel more in control and are taking on the perspective of others. They understand that others may act the way they do ecause of thier own upsets and resilience.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community?
Happier, more cohesive, can voice their emotions and impacts of others decisions on them.
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community?
Happier, more cohesive, can voice their emotions and impacts of others decisions on them.