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My Self Confidence 23 Reviews

4.3 Rating 597 Reviews
How successful has this kit been in building student confidence?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them I loved the memories my mum wrote in my letter. I really want to show you what she said.' Face beaming and they definitely had a full battery!! 'Wow so many cool facts about our emotions and how they only last 6-90 secs but the story can last a lot longer
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? The charging station and the letter from their loved one. Our children love having somewhere to go to check in and get some ideas for charging their batteries. They even have been seen to be reminding others of things they can do if they need to recharge
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? It will leave them with a tool kit full of ideas to help them charge their batteries while recognising these emotions and doing something to help themselves or their peers.
In what ways has this kit helped develop student confidence The conversations and encouragement of one another. So nice to have different children shining and helping others out not just the ourspoken students. It has let others shine!
How successful has this kit been in building student resilisence?
Not Successful At All
Highly Successful
How has this kit helped develop student resilience? It has been great when they are feeling their batteries are not charged they can choose some ideas from the charging station and use them to bounce back. They have been able to also link this new learning into all areas of the curriculum.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? We love the way we included our whanau in a special way for them to connect and be part of the journey. We have also seen some great impact in the playground where others have been happy to help and suggest some things to help them.
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? It is a great talking point and having the charging station reminds us of the work we did to build up our resilience and tools for coping in different situations. We often refer to it and sometimes will pull a card as a whole class to try use at some stag
We have loved using this kit to help build our resilience and self confidence in our class. It has been great to complete the tasks and have great indepth conversations about emotions and how we can charge our batteries. With the highlight being the reactions on the kids faces when they got their letters from their loved ones. WOW just wow!!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How successful has this kit been in building student confidence?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them My Mum and Dad wrote really nice things about me that filled my bucket. It feels good to say how you feel and have your teacher there to read your notes and talk with you about problems.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? The letters from our whanau/friends. The parents really enjoyed writing these. It was awesome to get such enthusiastic feedback from them and the students from this activity!
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? It has helped them explain their feelings, own them and deal with them more appropriately. It has also helped them discover the vocabulary related to this topic and use it in everyday situations.
In what ways has this kit helped develop student confidence They are more likely to use the words associated with their feelings/emotions now. They understand more about the impact they have on others when they use words kindly.
How successful has this kit been in building student resilisence?
Not Successful At All
Highly Successful
How has this kit helped develop student resilience? They are better at accepting that we can't always win, get things right or be successful the first time but that it's okay - we're learning!
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? Vocabulary has improved in this area.
The 'My self confidence' kit was a great place to start ideas flowing about identifying who we are as individuals and noticing the things we are great at or need to work. on. It also got us focusing on caring for ourselves and others. The class enjoyed the charging station idea and placing themselves on the battery levels, using the tokens. This got our students talking more confidently about their feelings. Our class enjoyed receiving positive information from their parents through the letters and we had great feedback from parents about this, however some parents struggled to understand and write these in English. The children enjoyed writing back to those that had written to them. Our challenge was that there was a LOT to do in the booklet and the kit and some of it was set above the Year 4 level and difficult for the many ESOL students we have.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How successful has this kit been in building student confidence?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them - We loved the activities in the workbook, they were really fun to do. I liked using the tokens, it helped me know how I was feeling each day.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? Booklet- the students really gravitated to these and wanted to talk about the ‘influencers’ in their lives.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? It definitely brought my class closer together
In what ways has this kit helped develop student confidence Understanding who the trusted people are in their lives. The students also celebrated what made them unique.
How successful has this kit been in building student resilisence?
Not Successful At All
Highly Successful
How has this kit helped develop student resilience? By understanding how they are feeling each day and how the other members of the class will support them was really powerful!
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? I think this kit made many of the students feel more brave to be themselves.
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? I think this kit made many of the students feel more brave to be themselves.
My students got so much out of this kit, it worked in really well with our Hauora unit. The class loved the booklets and talking about the different activities really boosted their confidence. Thanks for another wonderful kit!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How successful has this kit been in building student confidence?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them It was good to be able to share how I am feeling. I liked it because we got to think about how others feel and made us look after each other.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? The charging station - the physical resource
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? Tolerance to the emotions and feelings of others
In what ways has this kit helped develop student confidence Knowing that it is okay to not feel great all the time.
How successful has this kit been in building student resilisence?
Not Successful At All
Highly Successful
How has this kit helped develop student resilience? Awareness that we can have good days and bad, and that this is okay
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? Tolerance of one another
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? As above
This kit proved to be very useful to support the needs of a challenging class of ākonga. The charging station got frequent use by my learners and opened up plenty of conversations about how we need to be responsive to the needs of the other members of our class and show empathy.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How successful has this kit been in building student confidence?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them NA
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? NA
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? NA
In what ways has this kit helped develop student confidence NA
How successful has this kit been in building student resilisence?
Not Successful At All
Highly Successful
How has this kit helped develop student resilience? NA
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? NA
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? NA
Unfortunately, we have not used this box yet as we have had a lot on over these past terms although, there are issues starting to arise in the classroom where I think I may use this next term.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How successful has this kit been in building student confidence?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them Growing confidence, discussing what confidence is.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? Most of it
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? That self confidence can be built within
In what ways has this kit helped develop student confidence Improved
How successful has this kit been in building student resilisence?
Not Successful At All
Highly Successful
How has this kit helped develop student resilience? Put some actions into perspective.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? We have being using this along side other initiates we have.
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? We have being using this along side other initiates we have.
Excellent resources, we enjoyed looking through these as a staff
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How successful has this kit been in building student confidence?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them I like being able to decide where to put my token in the morning
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? My kids loved having that self-check in and deciding where to put their tokens. It was the next step of that - using the cards etc. that concept some of my kids weren't able to fully grasp. Either that or they just didn't want to get behind it. However so
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? It provoked some great conversation about stereotypes and judging a book by its cover. It really resonated with some learners who I think really needed it so I think it was a real AHA moment for a few students
In what ways has this kit helped develop student confidence Realization that often how we see ourselves is not how everyone else sees us
How successful has this kit been in building student resilisence?
Not Successful At All
Highly Successful
How has this kit helped develop student resilience? I don't know that it did
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? One thing that has definitely stuck is having that time in the morning to check in with yourself and decide how you're feeling and why you're feeling that way
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? see above?
I think this kit was great and definitely would try ikt again with a different class, I think some of my class this year were a bit immature for it and weren't quite ready for some of the discussion while others were so while I have no problem with the content itself - I just don't think it was suited to my students this year.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How successful has this kit been in building student confidence?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them I like the voting buttons for my feelings. I like the checklist to help me tell about my feelings.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? voting buttons and checklist. because they are independent tasks, can be done at any time.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? ability to self reflect
In what ways has this kit helped develop student confidence they have the vocab to describe their feelings
How successful has this kit been in building student resilisence?
Not Successful At All
Highly Successful
How has this kit helped develop student resilience? kids are able to understand a bit more about why they are feeling the way they do and how to mange this in respect of others.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? fewer arguments
What impact has this kit had on your classroom community? repeated question
great for allowing kids to self-reflect and learn language to express their feelings and resolve conflict.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago