How did the kit components encourage mathematical thinking for your students?
Through the problem solving, ideation and refining of the record task. Children had to hands on measure in a variety of ways and they were eager to do this and because of the competitive nature of the kit and tasks they took this very seriously and with accuracy.
How successful was this kit in encouraging physical activity in your class?
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit?
We linked this in with the olympics and of course the Guiness world record books are always a hit with our kids.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
What are three words that describe the activities in this kit?
Engaging, student-led and designed
What was the most unique record achieved and why?
Most stacking cups stacked top to top, bottom to bottom, using least dominant hand while blind folded in 1 min.
How many new DIY World Records did your class create?
How likely are you to teach this kit again in the future?
What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit?
Tied in to our inquiry, Mitey mental health, school values of pukumahi and resilience. Awesome health and PE links.