What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit?
Didn't get a chance to use this kit like I would have wanted, due to Covid 19. Liked the story telling cards for Oral Language. If you had other cards that had words to match these, then they could be used again and again as a reading activity, perhaps.
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
How effective was the kit in teaching and learning about farming in New Zealand?
How did you find the open format of this kit?
This kit would have been easier for juniors to use if it had simpler cards (e.g. a picture of a cow that could match with the Maori word for cow). The maths tokens were better for Years 2 to 3, rather than Year 0/1. I liked the story telling cards.
How practical are the components of the Kit for Junior classrooms?