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The Farming Kit Reviews

4.2 Rating 339 Reviews
What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit? Possibly maths
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was the kit in teaching and learning about farming in New Zealand?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How did you find the open format of this kit? Hard to use for the Junior students
How practical are the components of the Kit for Junior classrooms?
Not Practical At All
Very Practical
I there, I found this pack hard to use with New entrants. The activities were a little challenging for them to understand. With Co-vid I also didn't get a chance due to time restraints. I am happy to send the kit back
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit? The question cards were good for oral language and the children really enjoyed them. I also used the map for Maths and the dice for reading. The children really enjoyed using the dice.
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was the kit in teaching and learning about farming in New Zealand?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How did you find the open format of this kit? I found it a bit confusing and I would have liked a bit more guidance. I also found lots of it a bit too advanced for NE children. However, we did use it and the children liked the parts we used. I will also revisit it once we have our farm visit.
How practical are the components of the Kit for Junior classrooms?
Not Practical At All
Very Practical
It was very unfortunate that we had only just started this kit when we went into lockdown. Our school farm visit was cancelled and we are waiting for it to be rescheduled. I will revisit the kit once we get our farm visit.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit? Fitted into our inquiry of challenge. Into writing and we found a lot of books in the school library about farming.
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was the kit in teaching and learning about farming in New Zealand?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How did you find the open format of this kit? Some parts I did not use due to time constraints.
How practical are the components of the Kit for Junior classrooms?
Not Practical At All
Very Practical
We started this kit before lockdown and the kids were absolutely loving it. Unfortunately we didn't get a lot of it done. We looked at how a farm works and designed and built our own farms. We looked at how a farm functions and equipment that is required. We looked at how cows got to the milking shed. Caring for animals.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit? My class mostly focused on literacy links, e.g. poetry, reading, writing and oral language using the question cards. Has strong links to the Social Sciences curriculum.
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was the kit in teaching and learning about farming in New Zealand?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How did you find the open format of this kit? I prefer to have more specific direction for activities as I found it quite time consuming thinking about how I could use the kit. A lesson plan for the poem would be great.
How practical are the components of the Kit for Junior classrooms?
Not Practical At All
Very Practical
A great age appropriate kit for my Year 2/3 class. The poem is lovely and has great language features to discuss. This kit has helped me shape and theme my week. The video links on the website were useful too and highly engaging. My class have requested to watch these again. The design is beautiful although it might be too abstract for some learners with special needs. Some photo resources would be a great addition. Thanks for sharing the kit.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit? Play, science, maths, english, social studies
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was the kit in teaching and learning about farming in New Zealand?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How did you find the open format of this kit? Great
How practical are the components of the Kit for Junior classrooms?
Not Practical At All
Very Practical
We are really enjoying this kit. our country school can relate to it and we have been doing play activities around it too
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit? I love the story-telling cards that you have included. I am a very dramatic person so having this allows for the children to include drama into their learning.
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was the kit in teaching and learning about farming in New Zealand?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How did you find the open format of this kit? The open format is good as you can use it in many different ways. But at the same time, it is so overwhelming. You are not sure where to start and so having a bit more guidance would be greatly appreciated.
How practical are the components of the Kit for Junior classrooms?
Not Practical At All
Very Practical
This was going to be the perfect kit to support our Inquiry learning this term. I was so looking forward to using it in the classroom. Unfortunately, due to covid-19 we will now be using this kit next term. So currently I have not made full use of the kit.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit? Links to literacy, maths, science, technology and social studies.It was easy to make links with learning through play which we run in the junior school. We supplimented with additional activities for our learners.
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was the kit in teaching and learning about farming in New Zealand?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How did you find the open format of this kit? Allowed for flexibility and to use as we saw fit with our learners.
How practical are the components of the Kit for Junior classrooms?
Not Practical At All
Very Practical
There is lots of information to share with the children. The cards with ideas on them were very useful. However the language used was more suitable for older or more capable learners. The dice were complex and more useful for more capable learners or were very good to use in a reading/writing groups where there was more teacher input. Due to COVID 19 we missed our farm visit but were able to organise a person from our community who could bring some of the farm animlas to school.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit? Although we haven't been able to complete a farm visit, and undertake our G to G study, we have used most of the box items in our class. We have completed the art activities, utilised the cards for our writing, and had fun with the dice during reading.
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was the kit in teaching and learning about farming in New Zealand?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How did you find the open format of this kit? A brilliant idea! A resource with multiple uses - a teacher's delight. Thank you.
How practical are the components of the Kit for Junior classrooms?
Not Practical At All
Very Practical
Sadly, we have had to postpone our farming unit. However, having used the Grass to Glass unit a number of times now I was able to consider just how effective the items in this Junior kit will be. Many of the items have already been used (details below), and I have found the ideas to be very well suited for my Year 3 class. Particular favourites are the large poster, and supporting word card. I always have a 'word' wall aligned with our inquiry, and to have the poster and list, along with the te reo, is a great time saver. I had planned to combine resources I had previously made which aligned with your G to G unit with this kit. Accordingly, the last question has been answered using my prior knowledge of your resources, plus looking at this new kit.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago