What are three words that describe the activities in this kit?
innovative, community-conscious, eco-friendly
How effective was the resource in fostering critical thinking about food waste issues?
How effective was the resource in increasing students’ awareness of local sources of food?
How did the resource inform students’ understanding of food waste as a global vs local issue?
Locally, they identified the need for a worm farm to compost food and plant waste, understanding how this reduces waste in their immediate environment and improves soil health for gardening. Globally, discussions on food production and endangered pollinators like bees highlighted the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the role of sustainable practices in addressing food waste on a larger scale. This dual perspective deepened their awareness of how individual and community efforts contribute to solving a global issue.
What were the most creative food waste solution suggestions?
Installing a worm farm in our school garden for composting left over food/kai and vegetable plants. Pickling vegetables e.g. beetroot and radishes that have been left too long in the fridge, or in the case of our radishes that were very spicy, to mallow out the flavour so that tamariki would be able to eat them!
Did the resource encourage new ways of thinking and talking about the value food?
What did your students find in your community that they hadn’t noticed before and what sparked that discovery?
The lack of flowers in our school and community was noticed by children walking to and from school and around our kura. This was noticed from our conversations about pollinators and the role they play in food production (mainly bees).
Has this kit prompted any new food related initiatives within your school?
As the Enviro Leader for my kura, we have been developing a large grass space into a functioning māra kai (vegetable garden) for two years. This kit supported the children to deepen their understanding of why we are installing pollinator gardens next to our raised garden beds (fruit and vegetables) and highlighted the need for a worm farm for our garden, and kai waste.