What are three words that describe the activities in this kit?
How effective was the resource in fostering critical thinking about food waste issues?
How effective was the resource in increasing students’ awareness of local sources of food?
How did the resource inform students’ understanding of food waste as a global vs local issue?
They were thinking about how factories can throw out food/ingredients when they are processing, and the amount of waste due the expiry date. We looked at businesses that collect food for the poor, pig farmers to help reduce waste.
What were the most creative food waste solution suggestions?
The best is knowing how to cook their own packaged food, eg muesli bars and how they thought these tasted a lot better than the store bought. This helps to eliminate a) packaging waste and b) food waste if they don't like it.
Did the resource encourage new ways of thinking and talking about the value food?
What did your students find in your community that they hadn’t noticed before and what sparked that discovery?
The food forests. They didn't know these were open to the public. A couple of other community areas also have areas for people to donate food grown in their garden, passing onto others.
Has this kit prompted any new food related initiatives within your school?
The importance of food technology and knowing where food comes from and how they can produce/create their own.