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Good Food Map Reviews

4.2 Rating 67 Reviews
What are three words that describe the activities in this kit? Inspiring, adaptable but also focused
How effective was the resource in fostering critical thinking about food waste issues?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How effective was the resource in increasing students’ awareness of local sources of food?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How did the resource inform students’ understanding of food waste as a global vs local issue? We only focused locally as we had so many other commitments in Term 4 but this will not be the end of the learning we will continue to look at food production, usage and waste
What were the most creative food waste solution suggestions? Learning about individual raised garden bed worm farms as seen on our visit to a permaculture garden in our area and also seeing a composting toilet at another garden we visited.
Did the resource encourage new ways of thinking and talking about the value food?
Not at all
Prompted some discussion
Exceptionally well
What did your students find in your community that they hadn’t noticed before and what sparked that discovery? Visiting a food bank was eye opening for our students and sparked an initiative as to how we could help them to set up a community garden to provide fresh food for their parcels. We ended up making raised garden beds for the food bank's new community garden and are committed to raising seedlings for their gardens.
Has this kit prompted any new food related initiatives within your school? As above - connection with our local food bank. Seed saving and seedling growing.
We enjoyed adapting this kit to suit our learning focus of food mapping in our community, it has led to some unexpected connections.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
What are three words that describe the activities in this kit? Eye opening. Realistic
How effective was the resource in fostering critical thinking about food waste issues?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How effective was the resource in increasing students’ awareness of local sources of food?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How did the resource inform students’ understanding of food waste as a global vs local issue? They notice how quickly their footprint makes an impact.
What were the most creative food waste solution suggestions? Having a pet pig at school.
Did the resource encourage new ways of thinking and talking about the value food?
Not at all
Prompted some discussion
Exceptionally well
What did your students find in your community that they hadn’t noticed before and what sparked that discovery? The awareness of what is accessible in our area.
Has this kit prompted any new food related initiatives within your school? Lots of discussion. The wrong time of year for us to truely execute anything.
It was so engaging with the tamariki. They enjoyed exploring our local area.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
What are three words that describe the activities in this kit? Relevant, engaging, fun
How effective was the resource in fostering critical thinking about food waste issues?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How effective was the resource in increasing students’ awareness of local sources of food?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How did the resource inform students’ understanding of food waste as a global vs local issue? Realised the issue was right around them and there was something they could do about it
What were the most creative food waste solution suggestions? Baking, buying less
Did the resource encourage new ways of thinking and talking about the value food?
Not at all
Prompted some discussion
Exceptionally well
What did your students find in your community that they hadn’t noticed before and what sparked that discovery? Using a Pataka Kai, triggered by a school journal
Has this kit prompted any new food related initiatives within your school? We have installed a Pataka Kai
The students absolutely loved pickling and learning about food waste
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
What are three words that describe the activities in this kit? Engaging, Relevant, Fun.
How effective was the resource in fostering critical thinking about food waste issues?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How effective was the resource in increasing students’ awareness of local sources of food?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How did the resource inform students’ understanding of food waste as a global vs local issue? Students were surprised at how N.Z. stacked up against the rest of the world and interested in the different organisations trying to solve it.
What were the most creative food waste solution suggestions? Sidewalk composting,
Did the resource encourage new ways of thinking and talking about the value food?
Not at all
Prompted some discussion
Exceptionally well
What did your students find in your community that they hadn’t noticed before and what sparked that discovery? Community Gardens and fruit trees. The 60 min walk (done via Google)
Has this kit prompted any new food related initiatives within your school? Not yet but we hope it might in the future.
This was a great pack with excellent, engaing ideas and activities for the kids to excplore. It was well supported with factual information and video clips that the students found both interesting and informative.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
What are three words that describe the activities in this kit? practical, though provoking, different
How effective was the resource in fostering critical thinking about food waste issues?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How effective was the resource in increasing students’ awareness of local sources of food?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How did the resource inform students’ understanding of food waste as a global vs local issue? we really on focused on our community rather than globally
What were the most creative food waste solution suggestions? making soup, giving to St Vinnys
Did the resource encourage new ways of thinking and talking about the value food?
Not at all
Prompted some discussion
Exceptionally well
What did your students find in your community that they hadn’t noticed before and what sparked that discovery? a community group called waste not want not. They deliver us buns for the students but the hadn't really thought about where they came from.
Has this kit prompted any new food related initiatives within your school? not yet.....Im working on it. We did write persuasive pieces on moving to litter-less lunchboxes
This was a really good perspective on being sustainable and creating awareness of our local community. The students loved the 60 minute poem. Next time I would look to do this unit at the end of summer or winter when there is a plentiful supply of veggies etc to preserve - but the kids loved the hands on activity of making their own preserves.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
What are three words that describe the activities in this kit? Engaging, educational
How effective was the resource in fostering critical thinking about food waste issues?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How effective was the resource in increasing students’ awareness of local sources of food?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How did the resource inform students’ understanding of food waste as a global vs local issue? We didn't really look too much in to the global food issue, but focused locally and nationally.
What were the most creative food waste solution suggestions? Cook less, eat less!!
Did the resource encourage new ways of thinking and talking about the value food?
Not at all
Prompted some discussion
Exceptionally well
What did your students find in your community that they hadn’t noticed before and what sparked that discovery? How many people had gardens at their house, and that there were community gardens
Has this kit prompted any new food related initiatives within your school? Prompted a lot of discussion and enthusiasm for working in the school vegetable gardens
This was a great kit for term 4 as we were planting our school gardens and growing seeds for the garden in side the classroom. Students made connections to their own lives and made theri parent find space at hom in the gardens for them to plant some vegetables.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
What are three words that describe the activities in this kit? Inspiring Noticing Mapping
How effective was the resource in fostering critical thinking about food waste issues?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How effective was the resource in increasing students’ awareness of local sources of food?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How did the resource inform students’ understanding of food waste as a global vs local issue? We realised that we do a great job at school and that if others followed what is happening with Garden to Table and Enviroschools then the world would certainly be a better place.
What were the most creative food waste solution suggestions? Making lemonade from lemons. Using some fruit to put into the dehydrator to eat later.
Did the resource encourage new ways of thinking and talking about the value food?
Not at all
Prompted some discussion
Exceptionally well
What did your students find in your community that they hadn’t noticed before and what sparked that discovery? That a lot of our children have their own gardens that purposefully grow food that they eat regularly.
Has this kit prompted any new food related initiatives within your school? We really did notice that we already have a lot of initiatives at school and that other teachers noticed this too.
A great School Kit.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
What are three words that describe the activities in this kit? interesting, discovering, environmental impacts
How effective was the resource in fostering critical thinking about food waste issues?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How effective was the resource in increasing students’ awareness of local sources of food?
Not effective
Somewhat effective
Very effective
How did the resource inform students’ understanding of food waste as a global vs local issue? We went more down the track of how can we use as much local products as possible, what food is actually neccessary-should we harvest seasonally and preserve and not buy much out of season-return to ways grandparents lived.
What were the most creative food waste solution suggestions? Not much as we already compost, feed to pigs/chooks, have a worm farm and have food to table
Did the resource encourage new ways of thinking and talking about the value food?
Not at all
Prompted some discussion
Exceptionally well
What did your students find in your community that they hadn’t noticed before and what sparked that discovery? How many local business advertise their climate impact (or what they are doing to help) on their websites-e wouldnt have looked at them before this unit. Toitu climate positive programs, Certified B, Supermarkets have pig farms pick up their organic waste, lots of local support to help schools in extra lunch programs etc
Has this kit prompted any new food related initiatives within your school? We already have quite a bit going on but it has opened up discussion on how we can lower our impact by buying local and how takeaways have had a negative impact on our society
Great Kit thanks. We will use the poster resource again for other things. The results from the favourite dinners were interesting and led to plenty of discussion about the evolution of food, why food was scarce and why we eat so differently now-also packaging and plastics of fast food discussed. Kids were impressed at how nice pickled veges were when added to a salad and muffins. We are in a rural area so many kids grew food and swapped crops,eggs etc. They understand farms and production but it was good to venture further afield to look at compaines in town and was good to discover how many took recycling and postive environment impacts seriously, most positng on their websites. This is a good unit to take in serval directions.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago