What are three words that describe the activities in this kit?
Engaging, Fun, Thought provoking
How effective was the resource in fostering critical thinking about food waste issues?
How effective was the resource in increasing students’ awareness of local sources of food?
How did the resource inform students’ understanding of food waste as a global vs local issue?
Superb... they can see how we all need to work together on this, and how it starts with us.
What were the most creative food waste solution suggestions?
composting directly into the garden with a length of spouting (with holes) dug into the ground, using scraps to make natural dye for wool, dehydrated fruit for snacks instead of chippies
Did the resource encourage new ways of thinking and talking about the value food?
What did your students find in your community that they hadn’t noticed before and what sparked that discovery?
That lots and lots of people actually have their own gardens and grow a variety of fruit and vegetables. Many people have chickens, and lots of students have family or family friends who work at Fonterra. It's a small community so lots of people know each other around here!
Has this kit prompted any new food related initiatives within your school?
It really re-sparked our zero waste lunchbox initiative. Also more buy in for composting (which we already do), and discussions around renewing the old worm farm. Children are keen to bring in excess fruit to share, and some are going to try preserving at home after we tried it at school.