“Thanks school kit for the great resource. My Y7&;8 had fun travelling from home to our buddy school listing funny city and street names. Having their own 3D glasses also went down a treat.”
“We absolutely loved exploring the different types of poetry provided with this kit. The bits of stationery were hugely helpful at the start of year and to complete the activity for our buddy class!”
“Loved the changes to the kit this year, it was cool to get our teeth into something different. The children enjoyed the 3D element and really enjoyed writing about their secret confessions. The poems were interesting to learn, and the facebook groups was helpful when we had questions about how to complete the poem - especially the sistena. Thanks to Warehouse Stationery for the little gifts as well.”
“My year 3/4 class were so excited to receive the 3D glasses! They loved writing the initial poems and the fact that we kept the authors anonymous. The book of the road tasks were difficult to understand and they failed to see the point of gathering all the information. They could not relate it back to creating a poem. A great deal of fun was had exploring Google Maps. A few of the Year 4 students were very keen and enjoyed all of the activities. Thank you for the opportunity and the stationery.”
“A fabulous way to be exposed to a range of poetry types. My Y5/6 class loved the This just to say poetry and wrote some awesome pieces. Well done, School Kit for yet another great writing kit. Looking forward to the next one.”
“I was a first-timer doing the School Kits and really enjoyed it. My students loved the confession poetry. They also loved receiving the personal letters from our buddy class, telling us about themselves and their likes. We wrote personal letters in return. My students didn't know what pen pals were before doing this, now they have had personal experience in being one . Thank you so much.”