In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students?
The student's enjoyed the team work needed and the challenges of solving the codes. They had to do a lot of strategic thinking when doing the Mayday Challenge, working together to problem solve when their strategy did not work. Some teams were also able t
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit?
We used this kit as a springboard into our report writing unit about famous New Zealanders. Many of the children have chosen to find out more about Jean Batten and write their report on her.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning?
The electronic portion of this kit (buzz planes) was fantastic - so simple but effective. It's not an area I am that confident with so having experience with a simple example was great. I would definitely feel more confident attempting something like this