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Jean Batten Treasure Hunt 21 Reviews

4.7 Rating 391 Reviews
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? Children love solving clues, collaborating and the competitive element as well.
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? We have 1 child in the class who recently won a hang rats gliding competition where he built a hanger rat out of balsa wood and took out the junior record hang time. He has also increased his interest in model air planes. So that was pretty exciting.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? It was originally a little difficult to figure out the flow of activities, however once we dove in it just worked, so in that way it has assisted with building our confidence.
Thanks for another great kit guys. Initiated some great discussion and collaborative learning for our students. Many had a vague knowledge of Jean Batten, but this stretched their thinking and has since helped our inquiry learning. We completed our challenge in one day. It helped to build collaboration and competitive skills. Each set of clues and the code cracking challenges were engaging and fun. Kids love a challenge, so adding learning adds that extra bit of engagement. Thank you so much.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? I think the tasks required lots of steps and perseverance so all children were able to apply their thinking and be involved. Because there were processes involved (like paper plane templates/code cracking etc) the children had to be strategic, deep thinke
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Loved the problem solving and "escape room"aspect to the kit. Learners loved the hands-on "things"given in the kit.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? The 'creating' and 'doing' element was high and the children's products i.e. planes/robotic planes didn't always work first time. So it was great to have the chance to talk through how to persevere and use the strengths of others in your team. I would def
Loved the problem solving and "escape room" aspect to the kit. Learners loved the hands-on "things" given in the kit.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? Good discussion starter for further thinking.
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit?
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? Good
Found it had a great structure.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? The children were exposed to problem solving and STEM paper plane challenges in order to being creative and innovative and future focussed.
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? The children also wrote their own 'I am' and recorded this for their portfolios - we used this for their families to showcase our Universal theme of Belonging.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? Yes, very much so. It was perfect timing and set our collaborative class up well for the rest of the year.
The Jean Batten Kit worked well as a platform for our children to understand their sense of belonging. We used the kits for 2 days - the children working problem solving and code cracking, map reading skills and understanding the place important to Jean.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? Through the variety of different tasks that required student's to read, discuss, think and problem solve together.
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? There has been more of an interest in aviation and learning about famous New Zealnaders.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? My confidence and enjoyment in STEM has grown exponentially.
Thoroughly enjoyed this Jean Batten School kit. Tied it into my reading plan and topic for the week. Lots of fun and challenging tasks for my class. Would definitely recommend. Here are some photos of my student's in action.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? We were definitely excited by the opportunity to do this, but as not competed can’t accurately comment.
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? We were definitely excited by the opportunity to do this, but as not competed can’t accurately comment.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? We were definitely excited by the opportunity to do this, but as not competed can’t accurately comment.
Unfortunately due to Aucklands level 4 and currently level 3 restrictions, We only started the first activity with our students. They were in groups finding clues and decoding messages. This was a motivating, engaging and rewarding experience for them.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? Students were able to have robust critical discussions around the challenges of long distance flights. Students started to synthesise their new learning and began researching about other long distance feats (across a range of transports - land, sea an
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Aforementioned topics in other text boxes (science, social sciences, making connections - Amelia Earhart, the space race to the Moon).
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? Students learnt about the principles of flight (science) and how the design of a plane (engineering) affecting how well it would fly.
The Jean Baten kit was a great, hands-on experience for Room 8! They enjoyed constructing the toothbrush planes and learning about our Kiwi version of Amelia Earhart.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? Haven't completed yet - I'm sure it will show a range of opportunities for students to do so
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Exciting introduction to our kiwi heroes topic.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? Such an easy way to incorporate STEM into my teaching
Unfortunately due to lockdown we are unable to get stuck into this activity. It looks fantastic! I'm going to use it next year as an exciting way to introduce my students to our 'kiwi heroes' topic.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago