In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students?
The Jean Batten kit activities were fantastic for generating a whole range of thinking skills. They tamariki were often engaged in planning, testing ideas, adapting ideas, learning new ways of communicating (e.g morse code) and reflecting on what worked a
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit?
The tamariki finished the day by asking questions they wanted to explore more...this included exploring morse code and how did the buzz planes work (circuits etc). Some tamariki were really interested in learning about how planes actually fly.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning?
I already feel confident implementing STEM into my classroom programme and just thoroughly enjoyed using this kit wit my Year 4 tamariki.