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Jean Batten Treasure Hunt 21 Reviews

4.7 Rating 391 Reviews
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? From the parts we did it highlighted the need for more activities to promote this. Many students still really struggle to think for themselves let alone strategically.
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? The Jean Batten kit worked perfectly with our history unit, picking up on knowledge that we had already started to learn in Term 1.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? It makes is so much easier when you already have all the pieces you need, rather than having or purchase them individually.
Unfortunately, due to the lockdown I was not able to complete all the lessons. However, the ones we did get to do were excellent. Very interactive and the students really enjoyed the concept of finding the medal whilst completing the tasks. When I do get back to my class, I should see the medal parts stuck to the white board!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? The Jean Batten kit activities were fantastic for generating a whole range of thinking skills. They tamariki were often engaged in planning, testing ideas, adapting ideas, learning new ways of communicating (e.g morse code) and reflecting on what worked a
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? The tamariki finished the day by asking questions they wanted to explore more...this included exploring morse code and how did the buzz planes work (circuits etc). Some tamariki were really interested in learning about how planes actually fly.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? I already feel confident implementing STEM into my classroom programme and just thoroughly enjoyed using this kit wit my Year 4 tamariki.
My Year 4 class absolutely loved working through the Jean Batten kit. Not only did they learn about an amazing New Zealander, they needed to show and use many of the dispositions we focus on at our kura e.g growth mindset, collaboration, problem solving, making connections, communicating ideas, curiosity and perseverance.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? It did take a little while for our students to get into it, the collaborative nature of the tasks provided many opportunities for strategic thinking.
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? A renewed interest in New Zealand legendary individuals from the past (and present).
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? I am still on my own learning journey when it comes to incorporating STEM into my classroom. Thank you for providing opportunities for teachers to do this in a manageable way.
My Year 7/8 students thoroughly enjoyed the Jean Batten Aviation kit. It was fantastic to focus on historic figure who was also a female! There were many opportunities for hands on, collaborative learning tasks that kept all students engaged. Thanks for another awesome kit (and sorry for the late feedback)!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? They were able to work together, utilise the nature of STEM to solve and navigate challenges. Because they were in groups they felt more comfortable to take risks and try challenges out.
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Really enjoyed the context - I think it provided the framework to support our STEM lessons. Would love to have seen this kit include an Art element as part of STEAM.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? This kit has built my confidence in teaching STEM - because it has provided me with the knowledge, structure and resources to create a meaningful and relevant STEM unit for my students. As a Beginning Teacher it is sometimes difficult to feel this confide
We loved the way this kit was able to bring students together in order to collaborate and reach a common goal. Lots of the students' didn't initially know of Jean Batten, so it was awesome to share that knowledge with them as well as having a female role model in science to explore. The escape room nature of the kit was also very engaging for my year 7 & 8 students!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? Problem solving
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? We used this kit as part of a Science unit on Forces.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? I was discerning about which activities I used, the balloons would not have been successful because of the nature of certain students.
This kit was quite involved and it was great that a teacher in our syndicate used the kit with her students first. She was then able to explain to us all what was involved and how she found it. Because of the nature of my class culture, I was discerning about some of the activities. My class enjoyed the ones we did.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? The code cracking was challenging and certainly developed strategic thinking to complete the tasks.
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Many of the students are interested to learn about other famous people from NZ. The paper plane designs have been improved further.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? This has shown me that STEM can be great fun and I will definitely incorporate it more in the classroom!
Dear School Kit Squad, Room 20 (year 6) at Queenstown Primary School loved your Jean Batten Stem Kit! The code-cracking was challenging and made them think! They enjoyed designing their own paper planes, after making the kit ones, and we had competitions to see who could fly the furthest and the most accurately. I would definitely use this kit again with another class. Kind regards, Kat Savage
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? Problem solving opportunities.
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? They will be able to pursue connected learning opportunities to build on what they have learnt
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? Have enjoyed for a number of years.
Created some engaging learning opportunities
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? Plan out steps and strategies
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Linked well with STEM.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? Discussion generated from all students
Only managed to get through half of it before lock down. Kids engaged. Easy to follow. Great discussions
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago