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Jean Batten Treasure Hunt 21 Reviews

4.7 Rating 391 Reviews
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? There was a definite development in thinking as the unit progressed with children taking more risks to think strategically and anticipate outcomes through trial and error and as they gained a deeper understanding of Jean Batten' s journey and obstacles sh
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? When then tackled 'The Wonder Project' and made rockets - next stop MARS!
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? The resources and background information made it much easier to deliver. There wasn't an over whelming amount of information to trawl through first - it was manageable.
Fantastic Kit. Really got the class engaged, they especially enjoyed the hands on activities and and codes! Resources were well thought out and put together. Each activity followed on from the one before to create a great flow and build up of knowledge and skills.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? Sorry Haven’t done this kit yet
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Sorry Haven’t done this kit yet
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? Sorry Haven’t done this kit yet
Sorry Haven’t done this kit yet
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? To be answered later
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? To be answered later
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? To be answered later
Hi there, I haven’t used the kit yet. We were planning on using it last term stating week 5 but have been in lockdown ever since. I will use it as soon as we get back to school. Thanks I’m looking forward to using it. Nga mihi, Kelly B
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? Tamariki realised they had to use their communication skills and be strategic, particularly with the Mayday game. Once teams observed the strategy of other teams, they began to think outside the box! With the different challenges with the paper plane, t
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Learners were motivated to follow up on learning more about Jean Batten, morse code, geography and many other areas. We will see what we can incorporate next term.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? I have regularly used STEM learning challenges in my classes and felt confident teaching this way already. However, I have been in a collaborative space this year and taking part in the Jean Batten kit made me realise it has not been part of our programme
Kia ora to you all at the School kit team, my apologies - this feedback email got swallowed by many other emails at the end of last term! In a happy accident, your fantastic kit linked in with our whole school inquiry topic, "Going for Gold", and the tamariki were amazed at the extent of preparation Jean went to to achieve her goal. The learning was hands on and provided opportunities over the day for learners to show their different strengths at different challenges. In a class of tamariki who are used to the 'instant internet', they were amazed at the lengths that were taken to communicate via morse code, flag signals etc
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? Using the tools given and daily motivations via email.
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Integrating a variety of curriculum areas.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? STEM is such a fun way of learning. My boys were a lot more engaged
Really good value, lots of interesting things and promoting some new learning for students in an interesting way. Making learning fun and interesting
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? Students began to think about distance and speed, and the effects that other factors have on these - eg weather, design, pilot error etc. Reinforced the importance of teamwork and allowing each team member to be experts in their field, whilst working towa
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Tied this until into Matariki and kites, as well as science and flight. This then led to development of discussion around physics and forces, which has inspired a physics unit for next term based around the Romans and their weaponry (catapults, onagers et
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? Enjoyed the kit overall, but it took me a bit to work out how to use the resources and to work through the online process before starting. I much prefer the written chart with links that was in the old kits, as this made it easier for returning to when ne
Another excellent kit from SchoolKit!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? The code cracking proved to be quite tricky for some of the students so they had to think 'outside the box' It was also great to see the teamwork and collaborative learning happening within groups.
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? As mentioned, we completed a more in depth inquiry into Jean Batten and her life. This provided lots of opportunity for research, note taking and presentation skills to be used. This was a great unit to incorporate into our literacy learning.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? I have always enjoyed STEM teaching and learning and have begun to create a love of it also with my students. What kits like this do, is provide a fantastic theme to learn STEM skills and we are also so lucky to have the materials provided - a fantastic r
My students were thoroughly engaged in this kit...it was full of a range of hands on activities and appealed to a wide range of learners. We actually began our learning by creating lapbooks all about Jean Batten and it was fascinating to learn about her and her achievements/journeys before starting the kit.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
In what ways did the kit allow development of strategic thinking for your students? The students had to work out the best systems to successfully communicate using the various methods in the challenges.
How effective was the context of this kit for teaching and learning STEM?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? The students will be able to take the design cycle that was used in this unit and apply this to future projects.
How high was the student engagement and enjoyment in this kit?
Not Low
Very High
How successful was this kit in developing students' strategic thinking?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How has this kit influenced your confidence in STEM teaching and learning? This kit provided a good entry level to introduce STEM to a class. The students could just follow the basics or they had the opportunity to expand and take the challenge on further. This made the teaching of this unit workable with a class of students who
The students enjoyed the code cracking and the paper plane challenge. It was an excellent entree into the world of communications other than the use of devices and text. The paper plane challenge was a well scaffolded introduction to the design process. Through the unit, the students gained an appreciation of the achievement that Jean Batten had attained and the perseverance it took to succeed. They were intrigued with the history behind the Auckland International Airport and the naming of Jean Batten Drive. The students also went on to create Kahoots based on the history of Jean Batten.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago